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Battleground Changes In Next Minor Patch

Zarhym announced today that there would be several major changes coming to the Battleground system in the near future, and that these tweaks are directly related to the next PTR phase that we alluded to earlier today.

One of the major things being addressed is the issue of Battleground currency. Essentially, you can say goodbye to earning marks. Instead, it seems like Blizzard is folding almost all PvP rewards back into the Honor system.

Also on the docket: replacing the Battleground Holiday with Call to Arms and a Random Battleground feature which should function similar to the Dungeon Finder (complete with extra Honor rewards).

There are a lot more details and specifics in Zarhym's post, which you can find after the jump.

It is currently unknown what Blizz means by a minor content patch, though history would cause me to lean towards a 3.3.3 instead of 3.4.

We have several changes planned for Battlegrounds in the next minor content patch and would like to share them with you now. This patch will be available for public testing and we encourage you to participate, queue up and provide some feedback on these changes.

  • Firstly, say goodbye to Battleground Marks of Honor. We feel this currency system is a bit outdated and are getting rid of it. Any items which require these marks as currency will have their costs adjusted appropriately to remove this requirement. The quest NPCs will still be available to award players Honor for turning in leftover marks, but this is only to help players clear this expired currency.

  • Next, the Battleground holiday weekend will now be denoted as "Call to Arms" in the Battleground tab and Calendar. If you prefer a specific Battleground over all others, look for those words next to its name to determine whether or not you'll receive bonus Honor. The bonus awards for Call to Arms Battlegrounds have been adjusted.
    • Winning a Call to Arms Battleground for the first time in a day will award players with 30 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.
    • Additional Call to Arms Battleground victories after the first win for a player that day will award them with 15 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.
    • Losing a Call to Arms Battleground will award players with 5 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.

  • To bring the rate at which players obtain PvP rewards with Honor more in-line with the rate at which players obtain PvE rewards via the Dungeon Finder, we'll also be increasing the amount of Honor awarded for an Honorable Kill by 100%. In light of this, the amount of experience provided from an Honorable Kill, and the amount of Honor awarded for completing the Wintergrasp weekly quests, have been reduced by 50%.

    It's important to note one thing about these 50% decreases. All Honor awarded for completing objectives in Battlegrounds and Wintergrasp is actually based on an Honorable Kill conversion rate. So if you destroy a tower in Alterac Valley for example, the Honor you're awarded is actually based on a flat number of Honorable Kills. Since Honorable Kills will now award 100% more Honor, completing such objectives will also award more Honor. This is why experience gains based on completing Battleground objectives and Honor awarded from the Wintergrasp quests are being decreased by 50%.

  • Now that we hopefully have your attention, we're pleased to announce the implementation of the Random Battleground system! This system will work virtually the same as the Random Dungeon option in the Dungeon Finder. Players can queue with a group of up to five players for a Random Battleground in the Battleground tab. As with the Random Dungeon option, the Battleground chosen will not be revealed until players zone into the Battleground for which they are selected. The bonus rewards for this system are identical to the updated Call to Arms bonuses.
    • Winning a Battleground using the Random Battleground option for the first time in a day will award players with 30 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.
    • Winning additional Battlegrounds using the Random Battleground option after the first random win will award players with 15 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.
    • Losing a Battleground using the Random Battleground option will award players with 5 Honorable Kills worth of additional Honor currency.
    • When using the Random Battleground option, players will not receive additional rewards if the Battleground chosen is under the effects of the Call to Arms bonuses. In other words, the bonuses do not stack. In addition, if a player has been rewarded 30 Honorable Kills worth of bonus Honor currency from either the Random Battleground system, or the Call to Arms Battleground, he or she will be rewarded 15 Honorable Kills worth of bonus Honor currency that day for each additional victory. This applies whether the Random Battleground system is used, or the Call to Arms Battleground is chosen specifically, as a player cannot be rewarded the full amount of bonus Honor more than once per day.

All of these features and changes will be available in the next minor patch which should be hitting the public test realms in the near future. Please help us out by testing this system and providing your feedback so we can make some fine-tuning adjustments before the patch's release.

Reader Comments (12)

YES! lol..i love bg's this will eventuly bring back a real 30 min AV summon frost lord now! xD

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdenalo

nice (:


February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristianL

Ok. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that, in regards to the "New PVP and PVE Content before the Catcalysm patch", this is obviously the PVP content.

For the PVE? INC Ruby Sanctum!

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterOctavix

Definitely a good move on Blizzard's part. They are pleased with the new Dungeon Finder system for PvE and are moving it towards another part of WoW that they feel needs to be improved with their evolved knowledge and wisdom of PvE / PvP Content. They are also pleasing PvPers more so, by 1) bringing in more fresh meat and 2) bringing in new challenge all the same.

I never got into PvP, only because of how much it would require me to grind out that Honor to be anywhere to start in a ranked match. Now, I'll probably change that and get into it.

This also allows new people, hopefully with new styles of combat (few room for that), that will allow them to see new innovations of classes, and maybe new ways of balancing.

5/5 move imo Blizz. Good job!

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLaeltis

@ Octovix

The red dragon flight is are greatest ally of all the five flight. So why would we invade the ruby sanctum if we know there is no danger, unlike the black dragon flight, which the world has been at war at since Deathwing betrayed the other aspects.

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commenter4KhazModan

@ 4KhazModan

...just wait... and watch

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterOctavix

lol check again chirstan ur not first i was but i dont find that funny fun or the least bit important so yo ucan have if it you realy need it

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdenalo

Very happy about this, now I can finally get the rest of the PvP mounts without wanting to kill myself. WSG can diaf.

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKagitaar

This I like. There is a vast majority of WoW players who downright HATE to PvP, but the only way to get certain pieces of gear or the mounts was to earn badges. I don't know about you, but trying to win a BG for the 3 badges was hell and losing a BG to get 1 badge made getting the requisit 30 of each for the mounts a tedious process.

If I have to earn honor to buy things now, this I can do. There are quite a few quests out there that offer honor as a reward.

February 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

can i buy weapons from doing battlegrounds yet -_-

February 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenteratlas

Are the realms up yet or it should be up like monday or later?

February 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlichin44

xP dont mind my comment didnt read the little part till after i posted

February 19, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlichin44

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