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Being A Monday Morning Healer

[caption id="attachment_8679" align="alignright" width="350" caption="He's Had As Many Two Minute Comebacks As I've Had NFL Starts"]He's Had As Many Two Minute Comebacks As I've Had NFL Starts[/caption] The idea of a Monday Morning Quarterback is some who criticizes their team's quarterback from hindsight, often from the comfort of their local watercooler.  The issue so many people have with the act is that making a snap decision while under pressure (literally "under pressure" in football context) isn't the same as when someone is calm and collected.  You're stressed, distracted and under the gun.  A quarterback that can play under these adverse conditions is going places, he's going to win games, big games.  A healer with cat like reflexes under intense situations will go places as well, raids. I'm not there yet. People still die under my guard in close situations, and at least some of the blame is squarely on my play.  Not my gear, not the group and not the tank, but me.  Every time someone's player frame reads "Dead" I begin to wonder what I should have done to keep them alive.  Where in my rotation did I go wrong, and what can I do to make sure it doesn't happen again.  Should I have shielded and then healed, moved from the poison causing an interrupt, let x die to keep y alive, done an AoE heal before the targeted one?  Those are all questions I have asked myself.  If I can't figure out how I screwed up, then I am man enough to ask for help.  I don't mind that I'm inviting someone else to do some armchair quarterbacking, so long as they are helpful.  Unlike the real world version, many of the people are actually qualified (yay alts)! This is the Internet though, and that bit of perceived anonymity enables the same crazy comments that you can find at your water cooler right now to enter the digital realm.  With so much responsibility placed on my shoulders, I've found it somewhat difficulty to filter out the junk, while remaining open to the useful tips.  Just like yesterday's unlucky QBs, the hate pointed in my direction isn't needed.  It doesn't make you avoid the repair bill, it doesn't make me any better, and it doesn't make us any less wiped.  The only thing it will do is move you to my shitlist, guaranteeing that I'll heal you only when everyone else is topped off. Long time readers probably know that my priest isn't totally new, she hit level 70 during the end of The Burning Crusade, but I never had time to learn the healing ropes then (leveling instances with geared level 70s doesn't help you acquire skill).  Now it is different.  I'm playing her frequently and enjoying the new ball game.  Soon I'll be the Brett Favre of healing, but right now I feel more like Donovan McNabb.

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