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Blizzard Responds To Earthquake Mobs

[caption id="attachment_9412" align="alignright" width="300" caption="With teasing, ridicule and sarcasm."]With teasing, ridicule and sarcasm.[/caption] Earlier this week, we reported that numerous players have experienced seemingly random screen shakes during their daily tasks around Azeroth.  After some investigation it was determined that these earthquakes were likely caused by now-invisible mobs known as Shakers.  Seeing as these mobs were added to the game during patch 3.3's beta testing, many believe that they having something to do with Deathwing and his upcoming cataclysmic event. I am no geoastrologicalterrestrial physicist, but I do believe that tearing through the very crust of the world can be somewhat destructive to surrounding tectonic plates...Wryxian, the snowman that works through the holidays, took the time to respond to a "the end is near" forum post.  Unfortunately, the answer he laid on us is ripe with the same sarcasm that fills the rest of the Internet. Wryxian responded to the topic with eloquent deflections such as, "It was just you. Seriously, earthquakes leading up to some kind of cataclysm? I lol'd." Later in the post he declares that his holiday avatar is actually stationary...and that he has a cold. "You see how my temporary snowman avatar appears to bob from side to side? Well, the thing is, I'm standing perfectly still. The earth is moving, I tell you! *cough*" Ancilorn, another chilly blue, even responds to Wryxian's initial deflection with his own quip.  "I blame it on those Spicy Hot Talbuk steaks. Never again I tell you! * mops brow*" And finally someone asks the logical question; Why would Dalaran, a city detached from the continent be hit by earthquakes?  Wryxian covers that too.  "The Kirin Tor want to ensure that even though their city is no longer actually in the ground anymore, it still receives the same treatment as the rest of Azeroth... or something. ;-)" Or as one blue put it in the past, "Magic." Sure, Wryxian is bored at work this week and just screwing with us, but there's no outright denial.  And to me, his sarcasm plainly states that there is some connection between the shakers and the Cataclysm event.

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