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Collecting Vanity Gear with Equipment Manager

Oh, one of the joys of being a girl. I know it's a stereotype, but I can't help it. I love pretty clothes. And shoes. Bring that to the World of Warcraft, and I am quickly becoming a whore to collecting gear that serves little purpose other than looking good. Combine that with Equipment Manager, and you've got your own little closet of premade WoW outfits at your disposal.

I just recently discovered the joys of Equipment Manager. It's been out for a while now, since Patch 3.1.2. But since I was not duel specced, I thought I had no use for managing different gear sets. Oh man, was I wrong.

As bloggers have lamented in the past, gear in WoW isn't always the most fashion-forward. So if you're concerned about looking cool while hanging around Dalaran, why not change that? As long as you're not in a situation that you need your stats, I'd say vanity gear is the way to go.

Using Equipment Manager, I've so far come up with five gear sets. My main set for most questing, raiding and shenanigans; a set flaunting my guild tabard (and little else); a set wearing the Elegant Dress (ooh, pink! As seen above) from Noblegarden; a PvP set with more stamina-heavy trinkets; and, the latest, a Brewfest set complete with dress and accompanying beer goggles (which make everyone look like a female Orc.)

Really, I'm just scratching the surface of possibilities here, and I'm planning to acquire more vanity gear - There's a ton of fun hats and outfits and cuteness still to be had. And with the recent announcement of emblem changes coming in Patch 3.3, I can see more possibilities on the horizon! I'll just have to start making decisions on what I want to actually carry with me, otherwise risk running low on bag space.

Now I can just cross my fingers and wish that the hot new Jaina Proudmoore model points to something more on the horizon involving enhanced character and equipment  graphics. Blue poster Vaneras has given us a non-committal answer to that, but here's to hoping.

So has anyone else taken to using equipment manager for more than just functional gear sets? And do we have any other vanity gear collectors out there?

Reader Comments (10)

I'm pretty lazy when it comes to the equipment manager. I have my pvp and my pve sets set up but everything else I just throw on when I feel like it. I have a bag in my bank full of dress up clothes. I have the full santa outfit, a ton of other stuff(being a tailor helps a bit) and I have stuff I like to throw parties with when I'm feeling silly. I throw down a camp fire, my lovely picnic basket from the Valentines day event, my pony keg, and firework pods and stuff from my eng profession from some holiday*can't remember which one it was*

I can throw a pretty good party :P Or a really great campsite for when the allys get on my nerves.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

On one of my draenai female alt I have the noblegarden bunny ears and the Black dress from Love is in the air. Makes my alt look like a Playmate :)

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWarfather

I have a small toolbar I setup with bartender that has all the gearsets I use. I have everything I've been able to collect over the past year and change I've been playing and even though I currently sport all 22 sloters I find myself lacking in space to carry it all. Maybe one of these days we can get some Foror's Crate of Endless Resist Gear Storage to store all this junk.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

i like to not leave any spots open the only venity armor i wear is a tabard(argent crusader tabard) and a shirt and i have had the same shirt sicne level 10 i dont care much for venity armor venity pets thats a diffrent story since i am aa amge strait dps i dotn use equipment manager

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

Be funny to see what kind of crazy concoctions you can come up with. You should try to put together the most outlandish mish-mash outfit ever too.

The only thing I've ever collected is pets. They took up a full two bags of Solidsam's bank back in vanilla WoW.

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

I like to put on my Crusader title and wear the entire Scarlet set then walk around major cities recruiting for the Scarlet Crusade. =P

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVallestra

I'm so glad that other people use equipment manager like I do. My belf lock has a pirate outfit, a sort of dominatrix look (thigh highs and all), a sexy yet simple black dress for in town, numerous gowns from festivals and one of the gowns sold in the Undercity. I can't remember which one but at the time I just had to have it!

My biggest problem always seems to be shoes. Being that I can only wear cloth, it is a bit limiting.

I just wish you could leave all the outfits in the bank and have direct access to them using equipment manager. One should never underestimate the importance of a well planned outfit!

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercheri

*points at the Moon Guard RP server*

You've basically stumbled across what RPers have been doing for years. Welcome.

@cheri, the addon Outfitter allows you to swap outfits with your bank open

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVit Peyr

Yeah, Outfitter is so much better than the built in one. Say you flipped spec from dps to tanking, it'll change your gear automatically (it can even do it if you change from one presence to another as a DK).

Does one of your gear sets have an ugly hat or a non-matching cloak? It can switch off the helm and/or cloak for that gear set only.

You mount up, and it can equip your carrot on stick/riding gloves/spurs/riding crop automatically.

And it can have it's own bar without taking up your existing Blizz buttons.

As far as vanity goes, my female DK has a pink hat (has +spellpower on it so it'd probably be useful to casters) that automatically gets equipped when Resting (so in Inns or cities, goes back to regular helm when leaving those area).

October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

Im still looking for the twilight cultist cowl, so my mage can be bestowed with the evil aura of a twilight's cultist

October 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteraadjed

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