GDKP: My Loot System of Choice
There was a post over on Elitist Jerks that outlined a loot distribution system called GDKP, or "gold DKP". I really like the concept and plan to try it out soon. It has been popular in Korea for some time year, and it is getting some traction on US and EU realms.
GDKP is a relatively simple system. Here is how it works:
- Whenever a desirable item drops, bidding starts. There is a minimum bid for items, usually around 50g. If the item is disenchantable, its always higher than the market price of the shard in principle.
- Bidding can be done in a variety of ways. The most common way is publicly in raid chat, with no limit on the number of bids any one person can make. Bids have a required increment above the previous bid.
- If no bids are made for 10 seconds, the highest bidder receives the item and pays his money into the "pool". It is usually held by the raid leader/loot master. If no bids are made, the item is disenchanted and bid off, starting low.
- At the end of the raid, the "pool" is divided among the raiders.
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