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How Should Vote to Kick Work?

voteVote to Kick is one of those tricky subjects with no clear cut "correct" way to solve. Currently, players using the Dungeon Finder tool need a unanimous vote (save the person being voted on) to remove someone from the party. Votes can be initiated by anyone and are completely anonymous. Players have no way of knowing who started the Vote to Kick, or who voted which way on a Vote to Kick if it fails. A Vote to Kick cannot occur within the first 15 minutes of an instance, unless the player has disconnected. This sounds like a pretty good system, but it has its flaws. Lets start with the things that should be considered direct exploits. Currently, there are players who get three of their friends together and queue for a dungeon, filling out the last slot with a pick-up member and receiving the luck of the draw buff for doing so. During a boss fight, just before a boss dies, the group votes to kick the random member, who has no say in the matter since the vote passes with the unanimous consent of the other four. The member loses the ability to roll on any loot that the boss drops. The scumbags can then queue to find another member for the trash and next boss. Its really despicable, and there have been some incidents brought up on the official WoW forums. A solution seems to be to not allow vote to kick when you queue with 4 people, but what do you do in the situation that you legitimately need to remove the last person? How about people who enter an instance and immediately AFK? Its doubtful that the group will wait for one person for 15 minutes, and they can't be removed during that time. If honor AFK farming is any evidence, there may need to be some sort of AFK countermeasure. Blizzard posters have said that the Dungeon Finder and Vote to Kick are very young and they are examining how it should work. Here are some ideas to amend the current system:
  • Majority vote. For a party of 5, you would need 3 votes to remove someone from the party. The only drawback would be that if one person votes "no", they know that everyone else voted yes. In the current system, only after everyone has voted "yes" do players get any information on who took what action. For smaller sized parties, the majority and unanimous amount to the same thing.
  • AFK tool. An interface option to go idle for a certain amount of time could be okayed by the party. If a player is AFK during non-approved time, a check could be done by other players to see if there are at their keyboard. If they don't take action for some amount of time (30-60 seconds?), they are removed from the party. This would solve the constant AFKer/AFK farmer problem.
  • A reputation or karma system. Using player feedback during a Vote to Kick or after a dungeon system, Blizzard could improve matchmaking. Players found to be abusive of the system can be flagged and examined after repeated incidents. Based on your friends or guildmates feedback, the tool could dynamically match you with players you are likely to get along with. This is a very social way to approach the problem; I feel like this could fix some of the problems with "community subvesion" that the Dungeon Finder causes, but would require a lot of work. I could see this being implemented to an extent in the Battle.net overhaul. At the very least, increase the chance to be grouped with friends-of-friends and less likely to be grouped with friends-of-ignored-players.
  • The ability to split parties. If a disagreement happens and 3 players want to vote to kick the other two, they should be able to continue on together. This is impossible to do if you can't loose the other two and you are from different servers.
  • Cross server friends. This is something that is coming in the Battle.net implementation, likely in "patch 4.0". Finding good people to queue with and having some way to find them again lets you decide who you would to be grouped with and lessens the chance of conflict.
What ideas do you have for solving difficult situations arising from the Dungeon Finder?

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