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ICC: Plagueworks, Schmagueworks; The Crimson Hall Opens In Two Weeks

[caption id="attachment_9555" align="alignright" width="300" caption="I'm in your base, killing your princes!"]I'm in your base, killing your princes![/caption] Good news everyone, The Crimson Hall opens in two weeks! I hope you started working on The Plagueworks last night, because the next wing will be coming super quick.  Blizzard has made good one the promise to deliver the following wings much sooner than the 28 days we experienced between the Lower Spire and The Plagueworks.  Come January 19, 2010, we will be able to tackle the leaders of the San'layn. Thankfully, the server was super stable last night, allowing my guild's 10-man "A Team" to down Festergut, and put in numerous attempts on <brainfart> Rotface, before the 25-man team does their run tonight.  However, with the difficulties our "most skilled" players had on the second encounter, it does not seem like we'll manage to have Professor Putricide down.  Thanks to Putricide's 10-attempt lockout, we may even be missing his badges as we tackle the Blood Princes and their queen. Bornakk was kind enough to drop the unlock date, but the untainted orc didn't give any further details on the two-boss-encounter wing.  I wonder when we'll see the Frostwing Hall and Sindragosa.  Reports indicate a February 2 date for the queen of the frostwyrms.  Anyone want to place bets? It'd be nice to kill Arthas by Valentine's day.  The best present a girl could ask for. Content is coming quicker than most guilds can handle.  Is that good or bad?

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