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In-Game Fixes -- 1/6/10

[caption id="attachment_9596" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Valkyrie Profile's Lenneth, clearly #1 on my list of Hawt Battle Maidens I'd Totally Do."]Valkyrie Profile's Lenneth, clearly #1 on my list of Hawt Battle Maidens I'd Totally Do.[/caption] No doubt the addition to provide more weapons with procs on them in Icecrown Citadel was something of a controversial decision. I think everyone likes the idea of them. Especially when they have neat visual effects like Nibelung does. Who wouldn't want the chance to summon a small army of sexy battle maidens every time they cast a spell?! But until people can get a handle on the proc rate, they all seem like nebulous upgrades. You don't have the same kind of raw stats to deal with, and that makes people nervous and uneasy. I imagine it also makes these sorts of weapons harder to balance, especially when bosses still drop their more traditionally-itemized kin. That's why we've been seeing so many tweaks to said equipment as of late and today is no different. Several items (two weapons and a trinket to be exact) have had their procs modified in the changes below. And for those of you working on your Shadowmourne quest, some good news, as well:
Listed below are recent fixes we have applied to the game. Keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted. To review previous in-game fixes, please visit: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=21723843880&sid=1 1/6/10
  • Deathbringer’s Will trinket will now proc haste as a replacement for armor penetration.
  • The val’kyrs spawned by the Nibelung staff will now always hit with their smite attack and their damage has been increased for both normal and heroic versions of the staff.
  • The chance for the proc to activate on the Black Bruise weapon has been increased.
  • In the Rotface encounter, big oozes should now properly combine.
  • Rotface’s acidic blood and Festergut's acidic blood now function appropriately through the use of the group looting and master looting systems.

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