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Known Winter's Veil Issues

metzenccgWhile doing your Winter's Veil achievements, you may have noticed that a few things aren't working quite as well as they should. Blizzard has noted two issues in particular, one concerning 'Tis the Season and the other the quest associated with rescuing Metzen the Reindeer. Unfortunately, even if they're aware of the issue, the solution is being left up to players to resolve for themselves. Currently, GMs either do not have the authority or access to help you out beyond giving out some healthy advice. Below, Zarhym details what you can do if you're stuck:
We’re aware that many players have experienced difficulty completing the achievement “’Tis the Season” and the quest “Metzen the Reindeer.” While the Game Master department will not be in a position to grant credit for this achievement or quest, here are a few tips to help you complete them on your own. ‘Tis The Season We’ve received many reports of players not receiving the “Tis’ the Season” achievement despite meeting the listed requirements (eating Graccu’s Mince Meat Fruitcake with 3 pieces of Winter Clothing equipped), and this is most often related to “broken” Winter Clothing. To ensure that you are able to receive this achievement, please check the durability of your Winter Clothing and repair any broken pieces prior to eating Graccu’s Mince Meat Fruitcake. If any pieces of equipped Winter Clothing are broken at the time that Graccu’s Mince Meat Fruitcake is eaten, you will not be eligible for the “’Tis the Season” achievement. Metzen the Reindeer We’ve also received a number of reports that Smokywood Satchels do not always include a Pouch of Reindeer Dust if received while in a raid group. Unfortunately, without the Pouch of Reindeer Dust, the quest “Metzen the Reindeer” cannot be completed. To guarantee that your Smokywood Satchel contains both Metzen’s Letters and Notes and the Pouch of Reindeer dust, please make sure that you are not in a raid group when you accept this quest. If you have this quest in your log currently but are unable to complete it due to the missing quest item, please abandon the quest and accept it again while not in a raid group.
I didn't encounter either of these problems myself though I did have trouble getting credit for the Metzen quest on the first day, even after repeatedly sprinkling dust on him. I came back later and was able to complete it. Hope this helps some of you out there that have had trouble with these achievements, but don't forget to grab a present from under the tree tomorrow in order to round out the holiday, too!

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