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Love Is In The Air: Your Server's Savior

Alright, I fess up. Despite my open disdain for this Valentine's-inspired holiday, it really wasn't so bad this year. In fact, when I regained control of my characters (after an unfortunate hacking incident), I was pleasantly surprised to see that Blizzard had addressed many of my problems with the celebration.

Sure, you still have to hoof it from city to city to get all the (otherwise exceedingly simple) dailies done, but at least I don't have to figure out what musky sludge to lather up with in the hopes that one of the Undercity's (dearly departed) Abomination guards might find me cute, only to be rebuffed by some of the ugliest creatures in existence.

Ahh, to gather charms by doing what a Rogue does best... killing things!

But that brings me to my next point. Hunted relentlessly and without remorse during Pilgrim's Bounty, I now find myself on the other end of the equation.

Instead of taking a shotgun blast to the chest, I've got people lauding me with adoration, bowing at my feet, and showering me with gifts.

The achievement Fistful of Love requires that you shower varying class/race combinations with rose petals. Now, I don't know about your server, but Rogues, especially of the Troll variety, happen to be quite rare on mine. And meeting both of those requirements has earned me a special place in the hearts and minds of Anvilmar's denizens!

Of course, it worked out well for me. Showering myself with the pungent remains of a once-living being, instead of hunting down another Troll Rogue, made completing the achievement terribly easy. But it really is the reaction of the people that make me happy.

Never has simply idling in Dalaran been such a rewarding activity, and while I may wear their adulation like half a bottle of Sex Panther, I'm glad that I could help each and every one of them reach their goals, as well (begrudgingly, even the Alliance). As someone who nearly lost their chance to complete Love Is In The Air, it hits all too close to home.

Readers, regale us with your tales of being a Server Savior, or finding that one last piece of the pie... a quest mob, a fellow player, a piece of gear, anything that nearly eluded you before the time to procure it was over.

Reader Comments (2)

I simply made a Troll rogue, paid a few gold for a port to Dal and sat on the fountain in the middle square. It took about 10 minutes for people to realize I was there, but once they did.....

February 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKanamit

I suppose I did a good deed by not killing any other players during the PvP aspects of pitying the love fool. But I do have what I thought was an amusing story:

Upon earning my Love Fool title, and immediately displaying it proudly above my toon's pretty face, it wasn't long before I was in a WG battle. Amazingly, we won, and I found myself puzzled when a couple of people awaiting a trip into VoA did the /pity emote on me. It wasn't until later that I realized they were probably confused about how to pity a love fool. Who's the fool now!

February 17, 2010 | Registered Commenterpixiestixy

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