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Old School: Battle of the Newbs

[caption id="attachment_8520" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Those Names Look Suspiciously Familiar..."]Those Names Looks Suspiciously Familiar...[/caption] My adventure into old school instancing has lead me to one definitive conclusion; everyone is a critic.  Everyone believes they know your class better than you, something I can be guilty of when it comes to dagger-equipped rogues.  The five person team that I joined to experience the old world is no different.  In fact, it may be worse.  We wanted to experience the pre-Cataclysm world in a way we hadn't before, causing us to roll classes we have never played before. The tank and the healer (me) changed rolls dramatically, going from melee DPS classes to the key parts of the holy trinity.  To make matters even more interesting, I rolled the healing class that I knew the least about, a restoration shaman.  The other three switched from DPS classes to other DPS classes, some switching from ranged or melee DPS for the first time in their WoWing career.  You can imagine how these conversations go.  Tons of "you're doing it wrong." The thing is, we all tend to be right.  We've all had small nuances in our new class pointed out to us by a helpful teammate who's had hours of playtime in the role.  I certainly appreciate the pointers I've been given by the former shaman, and I am very grateful for the pointers that the newbie tank has received.  His complete and utter lack of tanking knowledge (get threat on all of the mobs in a pull!) left him open to numerous jabs and burns throughout our various runs.  It's okay though, he seems to enjoy the good-natured ribbing, firing right back when the opportunity arises. The class virginity is still a factor thanks to our low level (low 20s).  By the time level 40 rolls around we should be comfortable in our now smelly shoes.  I'm not sure I want that to happen though.  The jibba -jabber is just too hilarious.  Thankfully, we have PTR testing to continue playing classes we have no business rolling.  Let's just hope the tank doesn't gem for crit.  Oh wait, he already did that. /facepalm

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