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Patch 3.3: Mutilate Rogues Say Goodbye To Rupture

[caption id="attachment_9044" align="alignright" width="299" caption="So Long, And Thanks For All The Bleeds"]So Long, And Thanks For All The Bleeds[/caption] One of the thing's that has drawn me to healing is that the role offers many tactical decisions.  Spamming this or that ability is fine in the short term, but if an encounter is going to last more than a minute I need to be more mana conscious.  Ghostcrawler recently said that this would become more of an issue in Cataclysm, a decision I cheered.  Rogues are a different cup of tea. A Mutilate rogue's (slightly modified for Patch 3.3, rock a Fan of Knives or a Tricks of the Trade glyph in the last spot) rotation has become even more basic thanks to Patch 3.3 and its blatant disregard for the Rupture ability.  There's simply nothing to think about as far as finishers go, just spam Envenom.  A Rupture-less rotation was possible for Combat rogues previously, but it required quality gear and a high amount of ArPen.  For most players it was a theoretical possibility, not a practical one.  Now everyone and their brother (who's a Paladin) can increase their DPS by ignoring another finisher. Frankly, the removal of Rupture from the normal raiding rotation (you may need a 1-point Rupture to apply Hunger for Blood) annoys me.  Obviously, I can still chose to use the bleed out of principal, but I'd be drastically reducing my DPS.  That's something I tend to avoid.  Until Blizzard comes in and nerfs the Mutilate build - you better believe it's going to get normalized to Combat's output - I am forced to return to the old days of 11112.  Only now it's more like 112 thanks to extra combo points from crits. I don't want to complain about the small modification to my rotation making the game easier, but when tactical decisions are removed I don't know how else to describe it.  Now the only timer I need to watch is HfB's. I'm sure there are many rogues out there wondering exactly what they should be doing in Patch 3.3.  That discussion is outside of my rant, but here's a good ElitistJerks thread detailing the basic mechanics for today's rogue, and another with an incredibly complex spreadsheet. Quick tip for Mutilate rogues Your new rotation after getting Hunger for Blood and Slice and Dice up is: Mutilate (to 4 or 5 points hard) then Envenom.  Rinse and repeat.

Reader Comments (1)

thanks! :)

lets write them until the admit it, or stop doing it! i am writing them now!


May 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTaksImpaips

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