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Pilgrim's Bounty: Why the Rogue Hate?

turkeymountPilgrim's Bounty started, and I may as well ought to have had a target plastered onto my face. No rogues in Azeroth are safe! All are being hunted! Take shelter -- run for your lives!! Okay, so I'm being a little overly dramatic. But that's what it felt like -- that this whole Turkey Lurkey achievement has turned the World of Warcraft against rogues, encouraging players to "Blast those dirty, sneaking Rogues with your Turkey Shooter." Sure, we're sneaky. That's kind of the point. But dirty? Seriously!? On Sunday, I decided to revolt. I went into stealth as often as possible to avoid getting turkey-fied. Which was difficult while achievement hunting, considering that I cannot cook or eat from a feast table while in stealth. But I couldn't do anything in peace. I don't think I went 5 minutes without getting shot in the back while amongst the masses. Even my own guildies turned on me during 25-man Ulduar raid night. It appears that some players have a lot of pent up rage against rogues - perhaps for being stun-locked one too many times (not that I'm any good at achieving said stun-lock, but I've had it done against me, too). Then, upon completing my cooking achievements for the day, I had a moment of horror as I came to a certain realization: If I want the Pilgrim title, I, too, must take aim with my turkey shooter and morph my fellow rogues into gobbling critters. turkeydanceMonday, I decided to take a new approach when I saw a freshly-created level one troll rogue dancing just outside of the Horde area in Dalaran, happily getting turned into a turkey again and again, and dispelling the effects quickly so the next person could also take a shot. Horde and Alliance toons alike were invited to fire their rounds, and they bowed in thanks in return. This, I can deal with. I joined in, and soon we had a pretty good group going. My own blood elf, the troll and even a dwarf, gnome and night elf joined in to the fun at one point. We danced, we each got in our own shots on a willing party, and we did our good deed for the day by taking hits from the passers-by. I don't mind so much when I'm so obviously on display as a shooting target. When done the right way, it feels less like rogue hate. And more like rogue love. So to all you rogue-hunters out there, a simple request: a simple /bow or /thanks goes a long way. I'll take a hit for the gracious and polite any day. How far along is everyone else in your efforts for the Turkey Lurkey achievement, and overall Pilgrim achievement?

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