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PTR 3.3: Using The PTR For Personal Play Testing

pl_ptr_personal_play_testingA lot of people responded to the Battle of the Newbs post by listing all of the classes they play, and what level they are.  I'm sure just as many were like me, sticking with one class for months, perhaps years.  Whatever the reason for your dedication may be, you really should take a spin on the PTR.  Assuming you don't mind running the upcoming instances (you won't be able to do much else), it is a fantastic place to playtest classes. Bug testing aside, I think the most useful aspect of the PTR is for rolling another class, and what a fantastic idea that is.  Most players believe that the game doesn't begin till the level cap.  So if you've been thinking about switching, why not try them out at the level cap on the PTR?  Then you won't have to spend ten days of playtime before you realize that you hate tanking, or can't stand playing whack-a-mole for hours a night.  Feeling incredibly powerful with little to no effort doesn't hurt either. Not interested in rolling a new class?  Fear not, the PTR offers plenty of incentives for the unadventurous.  For instance, Solidsamm is undergeared when compared to his raiding counterparts - I know I've beaten this topic to death, but hold on.  I've always felt that if I had the gear, I could be right up there with the big boys.  To test myself I used a character copy, created a rogue decked out in the latest epics, gems and enchants, and proceeded to tear stuff up.  Now I can pat myself on the back, confident that I don't totally suck. Character copying your same class, or even a character transfer with extra gems on your person, can enable a player to tweak their itemization with no penalties.  Want to really investigate what those gems can do for your current gear?  Buy up some class-friendly gems (or have a friend use a pre-made and hand you some), transfer, and begin socketing and unsocketing until you find the perfect combination.  Jot down the details and you'll know what to apply on your live character.  Of course Rawr can calculate this information for you, but there's nothing more concrete than seeing the differences in action before they cost you anything. I think I may go try out a spec I've had little experience with, tanking.  Then I'll feel more, possibly less, confident when I verbally assault the player I am trying to heal.

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