Entries in arcane intellect (1)

WoW Life Lesson #3 - Buff Everyone

Whenever I'm running around IF or Shatt or Dalaran, going from mailbox to bank or Cooking trainer to cheese shop, I always pop an Arcane Intellect on anyone I can. Whatever their level or whatever guild they are in, I just top them off with a little AI, and hope they have a nice day. I'd even give it to horde players if I could. And really, what does it cost me? Not much. I'm gonna be in town for a bit anyway, or even if I'm out and about doing dailies, what's a little mana here or there? I regen it so quick or maybe I have to eat a Conjured Mana Strudel, but that's nothing really in the grand scheme of things. What is something is that 9 times out of ten, that person buffs me right back. I can't tell you how many pink paws or BoW that I have gotten just because I buffed them. And it all adds up. Over the course of doing my favorite dailies, that pink paw and BoW help quite a bit, And I'm sure they appreciate the extra mana and chance to crit. All and all, everyone wins when you just buff people. Now the same is true in RL. Randomly buff people. Go ahead. Do it and see how your day goes. What? You don't think you have buffs for people? Oh come on, yeah you do. Here's just a few: • A Friendly Smile - Places a blessing on a friendly target, increasing their Spirit by 50 for 15 min. • A Kind Word - Places a blessing on a friendly or unfriendly target, increasing their Spirit by 20 and reducing their chance to harm others by 20% for 10 min. • Compassion - Infuses the friendly or unfriendly target with a sense of connection thereby significantly reducing their aggro and increasing their ability to cast beneficial buffs for 30 min. • Understanding - Places a blessing on a friendly or unfriendly target reducing their chance to attack by 15% and increasing you reputation with their faction by 1000. • Listening - Increases you reputation with targets faction by 200% and increases the targets health and mana regen by 20% while spell is in effect. And those are only a few of your RL buffs you can give people. So go out and use them, and see what buffs you get in return. I am certain that you will be surprised with the buffs that you get. And if you know of any other RL buffs you can give out, or that were given to you, write them in the comments. It's always nice to know what buffs are out there.

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