Entries in bloggers (1)

LFM Project Lore

Looking for MoreWe are looking for more bloggers to cover World of Warcraft here at Project Lore, in particular some with fresh ideas and new perspectives. If you think you've got what it takes to join us, then keep on reading. We're looking for people with:

  • A knowledge of and passion for World of Warcraft
  • Solid writing ability
  • A computer with fast, reliable internet access
  • Software and ability to create and manipulate photos and screenshots
  • Knowledge of basic HTML
  • Eligibility to work, wherever you're writing from
To apply, send an email to editor@projectlore.com including the following:
  • A subject line including your full name
  • Your city and state
  • Contact info including email address, instant message, and phone number.
  • An introduction to you including your personal background, your background in WoW, along with current characters (with armory links), goals, and progression you have in-game.
  • Three sample posts or guides that would fit in with our current blog or guide style.
  • Three suggestions for how to improve Project Lore

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