Entries in Britney Spears (1)

Choose... But Choose Wisely...

So I play an Alliance toon on Frostmane. I also play several other toons on a few servers, all Alliance. I enjoy playing humans for the most part, probably as an extension of familiar escapism, being as I am currently a human in RL. lol. But I don't hate on those who choose to play the Horde. I may hate on the Horde, and at most opportunities on the PvP servers, I will choose my battles with them wisely, but I really don't hate the RL person who plays it. I figure that's their choice. Like they say, don't hate the player, hate the game. The Horde races, and my perception of the lore of the Horde, never really appealed to me. I dabbled playing an undead lock for a few levels and a BE Pali but it just didn't feel right to me. It's just not my thing. So I ask you, all of you Horde players, why? Why do you play a Horde character? What is the allure of being an Orc or Troll or Blood Elf? Okay maybe a Blood Elf for the /dance... seriously... the BE dudes dance like Napoleon Dynamite and the Female BE dance like Britney Spears her video Toxic video - very funny. I'm seriously not h8in here. I just want to know your thoughts: what are your reasons for playing Horde? I'm just curious. Thanks

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