Entries in FigurePrint (1)
Now SaintGermain Will Be REAL!
WOOT! OMG... OMG... OMG... Woo-Wooo-WooooooT ! Oh yes, oh yes. I win. Okay. Maybe that was a bit too excited, but tell me if you wouldn't be doing a little happy dance if you got what I just got.
So let's back it up a bit and start from the beginning. Several months ago I, like many of you, saw an interesting banner on the official WoW website. The banner promised to bring my toon to life in a real 3D existence. I clicked and the banner took me to FigurePrints.com.
FigurePrints creates 3D miniature replicas of WoW toons in a plaster-like substance, sealed with resin and painted to look just like the in-game character. The technology to do this is a form of rapid prototyping that manufactures have used for years with CAD machines - great for making new car engine part prototypes and now AWESOME for making WoW figures.
As you might have guessed, hundreds of thousands of people instantly wanted their very own figurines to immortalize the effort and joy received from playing the game of WoW. But FigurePrints didn't have the man / woman power to met the demands, so they initiated a lottery system to select the people who would have a chance to get their character rendered in plaster.
So each person had to register, fill out a form, and wait. And wait. And pray to win that lottery and hear the words, "Let's make your toon." Well guess who won the lottery.
And no there was no funny business between me and them. No favors or backroom deals to get their name here or have me yap about how cool they are. No. Fair and square I won it. Just like I won that roll oh so many months ago for my favorite trinket, the Serpent-Coil Braid.
Now of course I will be paying a little RL money in exchange for FigurePrints' fine craftsmanship - a mere $125 +S&H for a truly one-of-a-kind piece of artwork that commemorates my digital WoW accomplishments. It's a small price to pay, if you ask me. Now, after a few months in WotLK, I might have to enter that drawing again.
The point is this: most everyone I know who plays the game would love to have their toon immortalized in plaster and paint. With FigurePrints, this is a reality that might just come to you. Check out their gallery and let me know what you think.
And when mine arrives in about a month, I'll let you know how well they did.