Entries in group quest (1)

Bringing Up Magey: The Clash With Bangalash

Outside of boss fights, PvE encounters are rarely challenging. That is, unless you really want them to be. If you've been following my Mage's progress, you'd already know that I'd been traipsing around Stranglethorn Vale for the past few levels. I was 38 then, I'm 41 now. And... still stuck in that balmy, tropical death pit. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm raring to cross the finish! My last round of quests involves the final in the line that Hemet Nesingwary Jr. tasks you with, Big Game Hunter. While all previous missions have requested that you simply go out and depopulate the local fauna, the fanged white tiger Bangalash proves to be a more devious foe. I'd tackled him before on other characters, so I knew that when the wily feline had lost about half of his health, he'd summon a pair of panthers to assist in the beatdown. On top of that, Bangalash is an Elite, which means he packs more of a punch than usual. A clothie like me could be toppled by the mere tickle of his whiskers! I wanted to get this over and done with before I left Stranglethorn, though, and was determined to use the most of my elite wizardry to take him down. The rewards, primarily for Huntards, meant nothing to me (but there was a sweet Achievement -- The Green Hills of Stranglethorn -- to be had upon victory). Setting off from Grom'gol on my Emerald Raptor, I traveled south-east towards the mound that the devilish terror calls home. I often had trouble remembering precisely where it was on other characters (and Nesingwary is of little help), but this time I found it in short order. Just off the road, roughly west of the Ziata'Jal Ruins, if you were curious. As Bangalash stalked the crest of the hill, I went about picking off the mobs, one by one. In the frantic battle to come, I couldn't afford to deal with anymore critters than the ones I knew he'd call to his side. Eventually, it was just me and the cat, mano a gato. I conjured a Mana Gem and refreshed my Ice Armor and Arcane Intellect just to be sure, before sitting down to replenish the mana I'd just spent. After my energizing snack, I backed off as far as I could. Mages are at their best when distant from the enemy, and this fight was no cause for exception. In fact, I was depending on it. The objective, of course, would be to minimize the number of times Bangalash could get close enough to swipe me. It took me far too long to get this shot. It took me far too long to get this shot. We circled eachother like two members of Fight Club ready to bleed. When I hit max range, I let the first Frostbolt fly. His attention immediately turned towards me, a menacing gaze in his eyes even as my chill effect slowed him down. He narrowed the distance, but three casts later (one a crit), and he was at least a thousand health the lesser. A quick Frost Nova was enough to stop him in his tracks. I took this opportunity to toss up a Mana Shield (a decision which I actually would come to regret) and continued my icy assault. By this point, Bangalash had yet to touch me, but he was about to pull his Ace. Two protectors appeared by his side and immediately went in for the kill. With three mobs on my butt, normal spell-casting was an impossible venture. With my Nova on cooldown, I decided to reverse, Blink, and kite them all to the other side of the mound. Another Mana Shield kept me from dying before I could fire off my second Frost Nova. Bam! All three frozen in place, I felt that it this would be good a time to release a Blizzard. The regular crits reduced them all to low health, with Bangalash only several hundred points from death. But suddenly my mana was gone! I clicked on my Mana Agate and a Minor Mana Potion that I still had in my inventory from so long ago. Though a bit was restored, and Lifebloom provided some reprieve, the attacks from all sides were proving too much. I called on the few instant spells I had to clobber the ferocious felines. I was close to death, but so were they! Having used up even my reserve energy, I switched to my wand. Bangalash's health went from around 70 to 29 and then.... a miss! My last ditch effort had failed, and there was no longer any option for preventing the incoming damage. The panthers' final swipes did me in, my troll gurgled with death, and then I found myself in a nearby graveyard. It was time for Round 2! As I ran back to my corpse, I wondered what could possibly have killed my mana so quickly? Despite belly-aching about energy problems in my last post, things had vastly improved since then!  My thoughts quickly ceded as I was face-to-face with Bangalash again. I can't say that my strategy changed a whole lot this time, but I did correct a few of my missteps. First of all, the Mana Agate I had in my inventory was from a lesser rank of the spell and, therefore, restored less MP. Had I only a few more on the first attempt, victory could have been mine. Likewise, I was going to save my Frost Nova for when the adds popped, instead of blowing it right away on the single mob, even if it meant eating a few hits. Thankfully, that didn't prove to be a problem. I managed to completely freeze my foe twice before he even reached me, allowing for several critical Frostbolts to break him down. The panthers, as expected, came out much faster this time and the Nova + Blizzard combo proved equally as effective. They did manage to catch up to me after that, but once again Mana Shield saved my kiester. That is where I noticed my problem. I had overused Mana Shield on my first attempt, and it had completely killed my pool! How could I have been so naive?! I was aware of the spell's effects, but didn't think that they would be so drastic. Nonetheless, I was getting lucky this time, and with my second Frost Nova and a couple of instant spells, Bangalash's corpse lay motionless before me. I was low on health and mana, but not critical. I looted the head and trotted merrily back to Hemet Nesingwary Jr. to complete the quest. The promised Achievement popped up on my screen, and I can report that my victory tasted, very much, of happy. When your average Mage fight consists of Frostbolt spam, it was immensely satisfying for me to use a wider range of my skills on a battle like this. Sure, I could've skipped Bangalash and come back to it many levels later just like I had on other characters, or I could've scouted for partners over chat, but that wouldn't have been any fun! As I push forward into the wilds of the Hinterlands next, I certainly hope that there are opportunities for another good workout. Got to keep those finger muscles nice and loose, after all! How about you folks, though? Ever encountered a non-instance fight that truly taxed your abilities? Was it for fun or did you haphazardly wander into a situation and end up fighting for your life? Let me know whether or not you successfully bested your enemies or met your untimely end!

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