Entries in information overload (1)
A Closer Look At World of Warcraft's Beginning Lore
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 -
16 Comments Tags:
early levels,
early lore,
grabbing the player,
information overload,
new players,
one hour rule,
plot points,
reader points,
the experiment,
wow is a chore

- Humans: Initially the race is worried about a Kobold threat, only to realize that VanCleef and the Defias Brotherhood, a disenfranchised group of blue-collar workers that rebuilt Stormwind, are far more troublesome. Arguably the earliest, least subtle and best starting chain in the game. WoW.com & WoWWiki have fantastic wrap-ups of the whole ordeal, one that stretched into vanilla WoW's endgame.
- Dwarves: Players will continue the civil war with the Dark Iron clan while battling pockets of Trolls in their lands.
- Gnomes: No longer secretly battling the Troggs that managed to take over Gnomeregan. Even though the race is playable there is not much known about Gnomish culture outside their affinity for invention. Chalk it up to the destruction of their capital city, which caused the pint-sized race to be scattered across the lands. Starting alongside the Dwarves, you'll likely encounter a mess of trolls and dark iron mobs.
- Night Elves: Young Night Elves battle with demons attempting to taint nature, an aspect the Night Elves hold dear. Sound familiar?
- Draenei: The spacegoats attempt to make contact with the rest of the Alliance while they recover their own people from the crash and clean-up the ecosystem that their ship, Exodar, tainted with foreign energies. The story actually makes the MMO staple kill and gather quests quite logical.
- Orcs: Orcs continue to fight for survival in Azeroth, which to many of the clans means defeating the Shadow Council that have tainted and controlled the noble creatures.
- Trolls: The most diverse, and least played, race remains close to the Orcs who rescued them. Thus, you pretty much go through the same things as the green skins.
- Tauren: The Horde's nature lovers will tackle the wild bristlebacks before moving on to two factions they believe are defiling the world, the Venture Company and Bael'Dun. Tauren players enjoy the most impressive early experiences for the Horde thanks to quest pacing, introduction to reoccurring factions and the art design of the opening lands.
- Undead: In a twisted variation of the Draenei's starting quest (although this obviously came first), the Undead are also trying to find their place in the world. Severely isolated from their un-trusting allies of the Horde, the Undead are left alone to fight pockets of the Alliance sooner than any other race. As if that weren't bad enough, members of The Forsaken remain in constant struggle against their former master, the Lich King, and his Scourge.
- Blood Elves: Although destroyed by Arthas during his initial campaign across Azeroth, the area around Silvermoon City is strikingly gorgeous. The rapid rebuilding of the once decimated land is thanks to the race's heavy use of magic. However, players will quickly come across numerous abominations of the magical kind in the fabled woods.