Entries in necromancer (1)
BlizzCast Numero Siete

Initially, I was going to discuss the purported patch notes for Wrath of the Lich King's first content patch. As it turns out, the "leaked" Patch 3.1 notes that began floating around this weekend are fakes according to most sources. How fake? That remains to be seen, but it is likely that the creator - Aurelius of Forlorn Legacy on Windrunner-US according to WoWInsider - got some changes close to correct.
Thankfully there was another interesting topic to crop up late last week, BlizzCast Edition Seven. The latest podcast of all things Blizzard focused on one universe for the first time since the developer began the series, Rock N' Roll Racing World of Warcraft. The episode was designed as a wrap-up to Wrath's release with J. Allen Brack, Jeff Kaplan and lore master Chris Metzen, all stopping by to give their thoughts.
The first part of the cast featured JAB and Kaplan discussing Northrend's creative process, things learned from the previous expansion, the hard choices and how they turned out.
- Northrend was one of the first lands to be prototyped for the MMORPG, during the development of The Frozen Throne.
- Northrend & Outland were both in the running for the first expansion.
- A group of five people, lead by Metzen took care of the awesome quests.
- Implement multiple starting zones for expansions.
- Throw the antagonist in everyone's face at all times, in as diverse a fashion as possible.
- Moving to 10- and 25-man raiding was validated as a solid decision in the first month.
- Rune Master - Melee archetype like a rogue or monk (Pandaren ftw!).
- Necromancer - Ranged caster with "a lot of corpse explode." Many ideas incorporated into the Death Knight.
- Death Knight - Umm, well, I hope you know what this class does by now...