Entries in nexus (2)

Protip 4.4: 'Tis the Season

Protip is short video series with various tips and guides. Leave a comment to let me know what you want to see in future segments. Follow @Heartbourne for notifications of new videos!


Today on Protip, we grab the achievement 'Tis the Season by collecting winter clothes from the Nexus, tailoring, and leatherworking.

The Nexus

The Nexus is the level 70 section of the first instance players encounter in the Borean Tundra. The Nexus is located in the center of Coldarra on the western side of the zone. It is accessible via the Transitus Shield flight point or by flying mount. Inside are a variety of mobs including dragonkin, humanoids, and elementals. There are four bosses inside on normal mode with an extra boss available on Heroic. As with all  Wrath of the Lich King instances, there is no special way to unlock heroic mode, one simply needs to be level 80 to enter. The Nexus has a very open layout and the bosses other than the final boss can be done in any order. The most efficient way to clear the instance begins with a left turn. Head left down the hallway and continue to the left down into an open room with enemies frozen in ice blocks. Do not be fooled, these enemies will unfreeze as soon as you get too near. Midway through this corridor on heroic mode is the extra boss, Commander Stoutbeard for Horde groups and Commander Kolurg for Alliance groups. Be careful not to mistake for another trash pull, as this could result in a wipe. After this room, continue straight up the ramp on the other side and go immediately to the right. The group at the end of the hallway can be avoided completely, and there is a group in the room to the right prior to Grand Magus Telestra in the back of the room. Once Grand Magus Telestra is dead, continue straight across the hallway staying to the left to avoid unnecessary pulls. Move through the corridors and into a large open space with a few platforms connected by bridges. In this room are Unstable Rifts, which should be the first focus fire target of the group in order to stop extra mobs from spawning. Be careful not to fall off of any of the platforms into the pit below, as this will end in death. Move straight through this area and drop off of the last platform straight ahead to avoid an optional pull. Go to the left clearing the dragonkin and elementals and head up the ramp towards the next boss, Anomalus. Once Anomalus is dead, exit his room by leaving his platform, turning left and moving straight ahead to a large crystalline cave. Upon entering, head to the left and follow the cave around towards the next boss encounter. In this corridor are many small elementals that will respawn shortly after they are killed, so stay on the move to avoid too much fighting. There is also a pat that gets very close to the boss, so be sure to clear them before pulling Ormorok the Tree-Shaper. Looking at Ormorok's platform, there is a somewhat hidden shortcut to the entrance of the cave on the right side. Go up into that cave and drop down from it, ready to engage a few mobs that may be lingering below. From there, you should see the final boss who is now able to be freed from the Ice Block. Kill the Dragonkin wandering nearby and when you are ready to engage Keristrasza, use the blue orbs in the room to free her.

Grand Magus Telestra
Grand Magus Telestra


  • Firebomb: Deals fire damage to everyone in a 5 yard radius around the target
  • Ice Nova: Freeze all party members in the room, dealing around 3500 frost damage and stunning them in ice blocks for 3 seconds.
  • Gravity Well: Throws all party members around her, rapidly dealing 75 Shadow damage over and over for 6 sec.
  • Split Personality: Telestra will split into 3 enemies. When all of them are dead, she returns as one in her single form. The three enemies are:


This is a simple but hectic fight. Try to spread out initially to avoid too many people being hit by the firebomb and take her down as quickly as possible. Through the Gravity Well portion, instant cast abilities can and should continue to be utilized. When Telestra splits, target the arcane version of her first as the polymorph and time stop abilities are the most likely to get people killed. Also, avoid the Blizzard as much as possible and kill the remaining two copies. Once they are dead, resume normal attacks on her.


The only real change here is that she will split twice through the fight. Other than that, there are no major deviations.



The key to this fight is destroying any rifts that are created as quickly as possible before the damage they deal and the adds they spawn can overwhelm you. As soon as rifts are spawned, all DPS can target them and destroy them easily. If your DPS is high enough, it is also feasible to burn the boss until he goes immune and then take care of the rifts and adds that have come up, then repeat. The safer strategy, though, is to immediately kill the rifts as they spawn.


No major changes on heroic, the same strategy can be used.
Ormorok the Tree-Shaper
Ormorok the Tree-Shaper


  • Crystal Spikes:creates a series of spikes in straight lines out from Ormorok that will eventually shoot anyone standing on them into the air. These can be avoided by strafing away from them or by standing directly underneath the boss.
  • Frenzy: Increases his damage, can be dispelled.
  • Spell Reflection: Reflects spells back at the caster
  • Trample: Deals damage to all targets in melee range.


This is a rather simple fight, so long as everyone is aware of their surroundings. Avoiding the Crystal Spikes is key to this fight, and if some people are having trouble doing so, stacking underneath the boss and taking the Trample instead of the spikes can be the better option. Dispel the frenzy using tranquilizing shot if possible, and be aware when spell reflection is cast.


No major changes, but all damage is increased


  • Crystal Chains: Deals frost damage and freezes a single target in place.
  • Crystalfire Breath: frontal cone attack dealing frost damage, slowing the target, and dealing Damage over Time
  • Crystallize: AoE dealing frost damage and freezing all targets in place.
  • Enrage: Increases damage, cast at around 25%.
  • Intense Cold: Stacking Debuff that is removed upon any movement including jumping. All party members should move or jump constantly or between casts to keep it from stacking.
  • Tail Sweep: Deals damage and knocks back party members in a cone behind her.


The party should be on Keristrasza's sides during the fight to avoid the breath attack and the tail sweep. All party members should move as much as possible by either strafing or jumping to clear the intense cold debuff as often as possible. Both roots can and should be dispelled to stop the intense cold from stacking too high. Additionally, abilities that remove roots such as mages blink, druids shapeshift, etc canbe used to get out of it. The DoT and slowing effect from the breath can also be dispelled but is not a high priority. The enrage at around 25% can be dispelled by tranquilizing shot if you have a hunter.


No major changes, but all damage is increased
Commander Stoutbeard / Commander Kolurg (Heroic)
Commander Stoutbeard



Pull the Commander away from the next few trash pulls to avoid getting feared into adds. Two caster adds will pull with him and they should be CC'd or focus fired first. Melee needs to be aware of when the Whirlwind is being cast and should run away as soon as he begins or they could be killed in a single hit. All other party members should stay out of melee range to avoid it, as well.


The Nexus is the home of Malygos, Aspect of the Blue Dragonflight. Inside, Malygos has determined that mortals are misuing magic and wants to put a stop to it. Using the Arcanomicon, a map of Ley Lines trusted to him long ago, Malygos is locating the Ley Lines and channeling the magical powers in them to the Nexus and blasting them into Twisting Nether. This is causing many problems in Azeroth, opening unstable rifts and cracking open the planet's crust. The mages of the Kirin Tor are determined to stop Malygos from his goals as they need the arcane power to practice their magic. Additionally, the Red Dragonflight will not allow Malygos to destroy the planet, as they are the protectors of life on Azeroth.

Inside, Grand Magus Telestra is one of the Kirin Tor mages who have sided with Malygos in an attempt to preserve her power. Anomalus was spawned along with the rifts that were caused by Malygos' plan to divert all of the arcane energy into the Twisting Nether. Ormorok the Tree Shaper is an elemental who has been corrupted by the high amounts of arcane energy passing through the Nexus. Keristrasza is part of the Red Dragonflight, originially loyal to Alexstrasza. She temporarily held off Malygos by killing his consort, Saragosa, but was captured by Malygos and was forced to become his new consort. Killing her after freeing her from her prison in the Nexus will restore her freedom.

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