Entries in onyxia whelpling (2)
Disgustingly Cute Vanity Pets for 3.2.2

As per usual, Boubouille of MMO-Champion has been doing his fair share of digging in the game files, and the last PTR update has revealed some interesting new pets to add to your collection. They're so nauseatingly adorable, that even Elmyra would think twice about snatching up these little guys. Below is the list of cuddle-bums you pet freaks out there will no doubt be scouring the far corners of Azeroth for when 3.2.2 goes live (note: some of these were listed in last week's patch notes update):
Cute pets... nature's defense against jerks and cynics! Onyxia Whelpling: Most of you already know about this one. It will be available to anyone who logs in during the 2-3 week period that Blizzard considers World of Warcraft's 5th anniversary in November.
- Zipao Tiger: The interwebs tells me that "Zi Pao" is both a kind of purple jade and a style of traditional Chinese carving. The look of the pet certainly seems to fit the color description, but I'm unsure how the tiger fits into the world or where it might come from. Could this have something to do with the impending relaunch of the game in China? A good-will present perhaps?
- Wind Rider Cub: A miniature version of the Horde's flying mount du jour.
- Gryphon Hatchling: A miniature version of the Alliance's flying mount du jour.
- Spectral Tiger Cub: Available only by obtaining a loot card from the upcoming "Scourgewar" trading card game expansion, the vanity version of the very rare Spectral Tiger Mount will no doubt be in similarly large demand!
- Pandaren Monk: This one has kind of come out of left field. Blizzard likes to joke about Pandaren in Warcraft as much as they do about the Cow Level in Diablo, and yet neither is a complete farce (there was a hidden, and very challenging Cow Level in Diablo II). The only in-game representation of the bear-like race so far has been a quest associated with famed brewmaster, Chen Stormstout. Well, at least until now. They may not be playable, and it doesn't mean you're going to start seeing NPCs popping up around Azeroth, but you can have finally have a mini-Pandaren of your very own.
- Lil' KT: Only Blizzard could be capable of making an Arch Lich into a cute, cuddly little pet. That's right. The "KT" stands for the one-and-only Master of Naxxramas, himself -- Kel'Thuzad. Like most of the others, it's currently unknown when or where this one drops.
- Core Hound Pup: Nothing cuter than a tiny, two-headed dog that spews lava all over your shoes, is there? I wonder if you can carry them around in your Gigantique bag.
BlizzCon 2009: Grunty Does Battle With Zergling, Onyxia Pet To Deep Breath

Grunty Going Nuts
Just shy of a year ago I had a gripe. I know, hard to believe, but I did. Blizzard had dropped the ball with vanity pets, and I wanted it fixed. The gist of the ancient article is that the most recent non-combat pets lacked animations. The beings, the Spirit of Competition and hard to get Archangel Tyrael, would simply be. No movement and little, if any, interaction. In the case of the Diablo II buddy (released to attendees alongside the Diablo III announcement) it was a missed opportunity of epic proportions. Tyrael flat out ignored mini Diablo, his arch nemesis.
Blizzard seems to have learned from the mistake. Grunty, the space traveling Murloc decked out in Tier Terran Marine gear does battle with the Zergling. The Zergling was part of the Collector's Edition for the original World of Warcraft, so coming across a toon with the insectoid may be difficult. Given the chance, you should travel to the ends of Azeroth to see this far reaching space battle take place on our humble planet/dimension/time. Here's the flip side.
Even though BlizzCon 2009 attendees didn't get a beta key, or access to the Diablo III beta it seems, at least we have this consolation prize. Even if it is far more common than any other BlizzCon pet before it.
Onyxian Whelping's First Appearence
Let us not forget the upcoming fifth anniversary of WoW itself. Forget a shot at an Onyxia mount, I'm not a masochist. Even if I was, I'd take a cute companion pet any day of the week. And that's exactly what the incoming ("sometime in November") Onyxia Whelpling is. It's animation you ask? Why the little bugger tries to Deep Breath, what else? Even cuter is a failed attempt, where rings of smoke billow from its mouth instead.
What a magnificent time to be a vanity pet collector.