Entries in ruby sanctum (2)

Further Ruby Sanctum Details

When you announce something like a new raid dungeon so far ahead of time, you're bound to get a bunch of questions. Thankfully, unlike so many other things lately, Blizzard is being surprisingly open about answering them (looks like you can blame Tom Chilton for spilling the beans on that one).

And with data-miners around the world already yanking gobs of information out of the latest set of PTR files, there's really little reason not to.

Zarhym was kind enough to continue the dialog with fans, touching on issues such as the nature and difficulty of the fight, as well as its position within the lore. As someone who chided the idea of another one-room boss at first, I have to admit I'm starting to come around to the idea.

Hit the jump to read what he had to say.

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Patch 3.3.5: "Assault on the Ruby Sanctum"

There has been a lot of speculation that there may be more raid content released before Cataclysm. We had hints of that in the Game Informer interview with Tom Chilton, but today we got confirmation from Zarhym in the official Blizzard forums:

As we prepare for the public testing phase of minor content patch 3.3.3, some players might come across information regarding upcoming content that isn't yet available. To avoid any confusion, we'd like to tell you about an exciting new raid dungeon we are working on for content patch 3.3.5.

The Ruby Sanctum 

A powerful war party of the Black Dragonflight, led by the fearsome Twilight dragon, Halion, have launched an assault upon the Ruby Sanctum beneath Wyrmrest Temple. By destroying the sanctum, the Black Dragonflight look to crush those that would stand in the way of their master’s reemergence into Azeroth and to ultimately shatter the Wyrmrest Accord – the sacred bond that unites the dragonflights. 

The battle that is to come will surely deal a crippling blow to the Red Dragonflight, however, it is up to you to stop this unprecedented offensive and defend the Ruby Sanctum. First you must face the assault of Halion's servants, Saviana Ragefire, Baltharus the Warborn, and General Zarithrian, before squaring off against Halion the Twilight Destroyer, a new and deadly force in this realm. 

The Ruby Sanctum will feature 10- and 25-player content, Heroic difficulties and all-new rewards! Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to its release.

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