Entries in sap-mining (1)
Dirty Tricks To Pass The Time
World of Warcraft does get boring sometimes. There I said it, are you happy now? Azeroth can't keep my attention all day, everyday, but that doesn't always means I simply logout and do something else. No, heavens no. That wouldn't fly while I was in the middle of a raid, although people do it. It wouldn't fly before I got my dailies done either. In these rare instances I find other ways to distract myself while remaining in Azeroth, or, at the very least, still being connected to the make-believe continents in some capacity. Say YouTube videos or WoWHead "research." Over the years I have come up with a few fun things to do with my rogue. Mainly, ways to abuse my generic abilities. My favorite past time is causing people to pull mobs by distracting the mob towards them. It's not that easy to accomplish, but worth it for the hilarity and "WTF" moment that the player is sure to experience. An added bonus, you can do it to either faction. Then there's the always classic jacking of a mining node via a Sap, /fart and a right-click. This dirty tactic has only become better since mining became a single strike instead of repeated looting. No longer will you catch a beating before you can take off on your mount. Beware of PvP trinkets though! This may be a little more than a dirty trick since it can easily cause a full wipe, complete with hefty repair bills. But Wrath brought rogues an aptly named ability, Tricks of the Trade, and I'll be damned if I am not going to use it for laughs now and then. Normally my rogue buddies and I trade these during encounters for the 15% damage buff, vanishing to keep aggro down of course. On the off chance that I want to be a donkey I will put ToT on an unsuspecting player and listen to him go batty on Ventrilo. "How the hell did my aggro spike like that? I never pull!" On the flip side, you can do it to hunters and priests to see how fast they can react with Feign Death and Fade. And they say there is no twitch gaming in WoW. Other classes have their own entertaining means of harassing players. I am sure all of you have seen mages put out a metric ton of portals at once, causing you to accidentally click on the wrong one. Or waste precious minutes avoiding the the dozen Theramore portals in an attempt to find the single Dalaran mirage. My personal favorite mage tactic is to play the warlock and ask for help with a summon. The players who are barely paying attention, which is many at this juncture of a raid, will click on the portal and be sent to the far reaches of Azeroth rather than summoning their buddy. "I wanted to goto Shattrath anyways." A single beer from Brewfest brought the best practical joke I have ever seen in Azeroth. The prankster in the video pops a frosty beverage during a Sapphiron encounter. Simple, drunk fun right? Well, thanks to the brew's Ice Block-type debuff, the raid thought it was safe to remain behind him for the beast's Ice Bolt. A full wipe was the effect, another cause of too much beer. This is only a small taste of the dastardly deeds we can do to each other inside World of Warcraft. What are your favorite tricks and jokes to play on other players? Perhaps someone can top the Sapphiron wipe and earn +2 nerd points.