Entries in stockade (1)

My Foray Into Dual-Boxing

Sometimes, you log in and nobody is around to group with you for heroics. Sometimes, your arena team is busy. Sometimes, your guild is busy wiping on a new boss for two hours. Sometimes, you just want some mindless fun. Recently, when I find myself in those situations, I've been leveling up some new alts. I've been playing a druid, and I've been playing a priest. At the same time. Kind of. I signed up for the Recruit a Friend program to test out that juicy triple XP. I entered my own name as the name of my friend, which I suppose is true enough. I tend to consider me a friend. So, I made a second account and, on it, created a dwarf priest. I'm not dual-boxing to pwn in arena or to solo Kara. I just have the priest auto follow the druid while I rip stuff up in cat form. If I need some help, I'll just have the priest bubble, renew, or heal the druid. It's fun, it's a new type of challenge, and it's a good way to get a lot of levels. And I mean a LOT of levels. The rate at which these two characters are leveling is pretty unbelievable. A guildy ran us through stocks a few times, where I got two levels from the mobs and one from completing the quests. Each character got almost 10,000 xp for each of the Stockade quests. That is pretty ridiculous in the mid 20s. Now, they both have their mounts and are level 31 and 32. Soon we will be roaming Outland, killing Overlord. Maybe. Now, I'm not really into the exclusive mount thing, so I probably won't keep the account for the full time needed to unlock that Zhevra. I just figured that it's a good way to get a couple of alts up to at least 60 before the expansion hits. Once the priest hits 59, I'll have him give 29 levels to my level 28 warrior or my 29 mage. That will be three characters to 60 in less time than it normally takes one. And then perhaps my dual-boxing days will be behind me. Although, maybe I will start the whole process over again with a combination of a hunter, a rogue, or a pally. I'm thinking rogue/pally would be easiest. Hunters are OP while soloing anyway. Once that's done, I might have a chance to finally get that second shaman I've always dreamed of. If you couldn't tell, I love shaman. And I love alts. After WotLK comes out, I can take advantage of the over-abundance of death knights that will be roaming Outland looking for groups and have nine 70s (or 80s?) Although, I have heard of 5 DKs completing appropriate level instances in the beta. NERF DKs.

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