Entries in too much wow (1)

You Know Your Playing Too Much WoW When...

Once the holidays wrapped up I found an incredible amount of time to dedicate to gaming.  Not only were family obligations wrapped up, but Ms. iTZKooPA has been incredibly busy searching for a job, everywhere.  She's basically been out of the house since the new year, giving me an obtuse amount of unimpeded free time.  A sizeable amount has been dedicated to gaming, with the majority of that time going to World of Warcraft.  Apparently so much time that my subconscious has even gotten in on the fun.

Yes, I dreamed about WoW the other night.

It wasn't just a rudimentary dream where I was my character, or some crazy fantasy about putting on my wizard hat and robe.  It wasn't a fantasy at all, or even in game.  It also was not a short dream that I remembered because of some unusual details.  The dream managed to creep out of my subconscious, causing me to be ever so slightly stirred from my sleep.  This ultimately led to a restless night.

/me sips his caffeine-laced beverage.

What was the dream that I remember so vividly, that caused such distress, and is worthy of a blog post?  Why it was about Patch 3.3 and the addition of Dungeon Finder tool.  My subconscious apparently thought it was an excuse for everything I could have done wrong since its release.  The only parts that I can remember clearly of the flowing dream had me late for work (a job I had when I was a teenager no less) and miss a wedding (my brother's, who isn't married).  In both cases I tried to levy the Dungeon Finder, and my attachment to running all my characters on it everyday, as a perfectly acceptable reason for my actions.  I'm sure there were crazier excuses levied, because the tossing and turning went on and on.  It was a surreal pseudo-nightmare experience.

It certainly wasn't my first dream about WoW, let alone a video game, and it probably won't be the last.  But it was the first dream that was about a video game, but set in the real world.  The most ironic thing is that while I was slipping in and out of consciousness, I decided to write a blog about it.  Oh you crazy brain.

Cool story, right bro?  Anyone else dream of WoW lately, or at all?