Entries in tree (1)

Fancy New Furs for the Fashionable Feline

After revealing the new Druid bear-form skins just a couple of weeks ago, Blizzard promised that we'd get to see the new cat digs, too. And deliver, they have! Well, at least for Taurens (though I'm sure Night Elves can't be too far behind). Despite not being into the whole "accessorizing" thing as the bears seem to be, I'd have to admit that the cat reworkings come off a whole lot more impressive. The new bears maintains the same snarling, wide-eyed look as the original, but the cats... oh, no, they're sleeker. Meaner, even. newtaurencatform2 So fierce!

Gone is the old nose: flat, open, and generally odd-looking like a raw ham pressed against a glass window. It's been replaced by one that features a wider bridge and a snout that evokes the image of a Corvette hood slicing through midnight air instead of a mere breathing device. Heck, it even has its own ornament in the form of  a thick ring clamped between the nostrils. And then there're the eyes, pulled wider, and narrowed to be more menacing. No longer must we deal with our cats' electric green eyeballs and their gormless stare. These new felines are badass killers and their bodies have changed to match. Their comically large fangs have been worn down into fine instruments of terror and flesh-rending. Clearly, they've been doing their share of eating, as well -- the old, emaciated form with riblines showing has given way to dense musculature and a more sculpted shape. And, hey, look at those braids! Fashionable! Tribal tattoos, more-rounded horns, actual knees, and four (count them, FOUR) toes on each paw round out the fancy new package. Druids the world 'round are sure to be happy with what Blizzard's done for their cats, though there is still no way to tell the differences in gender (as was asked by a female audience member at a Developer Q&A during the last World Wide Invitational). As with the Tauren bear forms, cat skins can also be chosen by changing your skin tone at the Barber Shop in an upcoming content patch. Blizzard has expressed no intention to offer any upgrades to tree-form Druids yet. Maybe something special around Christmas time? *wink wink*

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