Entries in wow life lesson #7 (1)
WoW Life Lesson #7 - /dance
I always get a kick seeing toons dance in WoW. It's so funny. Now say what you will, but there's nothing funnier to me than /dancing with a boss before you wipe the floor with it. Maybe the /rude is more appropriate, but /dancing adds that little bit of insult to injury. Now being on the receiving end of a /dance in bgs is not my favorite. It's better than some of the other wonderful emotes that blizzard has decided to keep in the game, but still not so fun. The real joy in the /dance is dancing with friends in game, maybe with a cute looking toon (until you find out it's controlled by someone you don't want to dance with), or even dancing with an opposing faction member when you just helped them or they helped you. It's fun. But seriously, do people actually dance like those WoW toons in RL? Answer: yes Oh. Okay. Well I guess people actually do dance like that in RL. And dancing in RL can be fun even if you don't think you can dance. Watch that video again. It obviously does not matter how you dance as long as you have fun. So celebrate. Enjoy life. And dance.