Entries in zoltan (1)
World First: Player Exceeds 10,000 Achievement Points
Posted by
Heartbourne on
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 -
45 Comments Tags:
achievement points,
world first,

Achievements really changed the face of the game. Many players see no point in a seemingly arbitrary measure of progress (gear and progression seem as arbitrary to me), but many players, such as myself, make it a goal to be an "overachiever". I'm sitting on a respectable 5630 points, which puts me in the top 300 on my server. Its nothing compared to Zoltan of Aegwynn (EU), who recently topped 10,000 achievement points after earning Champion of Ulduar. He is only missing a few achievements, which may be some commentary on the rarer achievements in the game as of right now:
- The Brewfest Bunch
- 100,000 HKs
- Gladiator (though he does have Merciless Gladiator and a Brutal Nether Drake)
- A Sea Turtle
- Perma-Peddle
- A Mask for All Occasions
- He Feeds on Your Tears (10 and 25 man)
- A few other difficult Ulduar 25 achievements