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Tawainese Player "Beats" World of Warcraft

We always knew it was technically possible, but we never thought it would happen so soon: a little over a year since they initially became available, one account has earned every single achievement in  the game! And what was the final one, you ask? The achievement that pushed him to the magical number of 986 of 986? That which has now become one of my personal least favorites, Turkey Lurkey. allachievesYes, the Tauren Druid, whose name is 小灰 (I won't even bother trying to pronounce that) passed the threshold by shooting a Rogue. I'm sure more than a few of you out there are amused by that. I suppose it also begs the question, why isn't there an achievement for getting all the achievements?! But let's dial things back a second and take a closer look. According to MMO-Champion, 小灰 is still technically missing one called BB King, which requires you to pelt the opposite faction's leaders during Winter Veil (which hasn't occurred yet this year, of course). It's not part of the meta-achievement for the holiday and some people have been lead to believe that it could not be completed until this December at the earliest. So, in order to  hit 986, the player had to take advantage of an old bug in a PvP achievement which effectively counted twice. Even taking that into consideration, completing everything else is undoubtedly a monumental task which took a lot of planning, coordination, and called-in favors. It may even be possible that multiple people have shared the character, taking turns in order to knock out the achievements (because doing so would be a major drain on a single person's life otherwise). I suppose we'll figure out the truth of that when/if someone is able to talk to the owner of the account. The sad part of all this, of course, is that Patch 3.3 will likely be released before 小灰 will have the chance to finish off BB King. With the gating system in place for Icecrown Citadel, this means that it will be at least several more months before the maximum number of achievements can be, well... achieved again. As a little bit of a measuring stick, I want you to tell me how far along you readers are on your achievements! What's your count and what have you found it most difficult to complete? I'm a little over halfway with 540/986, myself, and most notably lacking in the PvP area.

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