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The Balancing Act: Splitting Your Time With Alts

[caption id="attachment_8539" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Do Some Internet Sleuthing."]Do Some Internet Sleuthing.[/caption] Forget about other video games, I find it difficult enough to split my play time across multiple characters.  Despite my best efforts, that is exactly what I have been doing lately.  Over the past month I have put serious time in to not two, but three alternates avatars and my trusty bank alt.  Solidsamm hasn't missed a beat, as he continues to raise his average ilvl at an alarming rate (for me).  I've only been able to manage the juggling act thanks to careful planning, tunnel vision, and of course, an understanding girlfriend. Solidsamm is doing his best to gear up in an attempt to remain a reliable raider, Solidsagart is trying to get to that point, and the other Solidsagart (original, I know) is busy running through the old content.  My fourth character isn't really a character per se, but a pre-made on the PTR (again, Solidsagart).  The two alternate Solidsagarts are tied to other players, so I only play them when the rest of the group is available, but the priest and rogue are entirely different.  Honest to god, this is the first time I have ever had two max level characters at once, and that's the issue. At this point in time, I wouldn't consider either of them my main.  I play them nearly 50/50 with the rogue eeking out the percent error thanks to raiding time.  As soon as Solidsagart is fully raid ready, that will change.  The longer I go 50/50, the longer it will take for her to be ready.  In light of that, the holy priest is about to become my main.  I have nothing against my rogue, I still love the gnome to death, but my draenei offers an entirely new experience.  One with new challenges, new things to learn and a new set of numbers to crunch.  I've already had enough heroic dungeon experience to know that I enjoy healing, so the change sticking depends solely on my measure of fail.  Hopefully I can keep it low, and people will be understanding. Oh man, I almost kept a straight face.  People on the Internet understanding. Hahahahaha. I've been rocking the John Kerry approved flip-flop method.  How do you move between your alts?  Reroll out of boredom, or after one is geared to an acceptable level?

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