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Tier 10 Gear Guide

This how Death Knights will look in their full Tier 10.If you paid the vendors inside of the Icecrown Citadel a visit, you may have been overwhelmed by the amount of new items available. With new patterns and gear being sold across dozens of vendors for Primordial SaroniteEmblem of Frost, Mark of Sanctification, and heroic Marks of Sanctification, it might be a little unclear how to begin obtaining tier 10 gear. There are three levels of tier 10. The nomenclature is a little vague, but there is the entry level iLvl 251 version, the upgraded iLvl 264 version, and the heroic upgraded iLvl 277 version. You might hear these referred to as tier "10.251", "10.264", and "10.277". In order to obtain any piece of tier 10, you need to spend Frost Emblems to buy the entry level 251 version. You can currently obtain Frost Emblems from Icecrown Citadel bosses, the weekly raid quest, and by using the LFG tool to do a random heroic dungeon once a day. For a full set, you will need a total of 405 Frost Emblems. You may want to check out the sets to decide which pieces to get and how desirable the set bonuses actually are:
Head 95 32px-inv_misc_frostemblem_01
Chest 95 32px-inv_misc_frostemblem_01
Legs 95 32px-inv_misc_frostemblem_01
Shoulder 60 32px-inv_misc_frostemblem_01
Hands 60 32px-inv_misc_frostemblem_01
When you desire a 10.264 piece, you will need the corresponding 10.251 piece and a Mark of Sanctification corresponding to your class. As long as the mark matches your class, you can use it to upgrade any 10.251 piece. For example, Rogues, Mages, Druids, and Death Knights will need a Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification. There are 3 types of Marks of Sanctification to cover all ten classes, the Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification, Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification, and Protector's Mark of Sanctification. They seem to drop from the final boss of each wing of Icecrown Citadel, and its presumed that they will only drop from the 25-player raid and 10-man heroic "hard mode" version. Trading in the items to upgrade them will likely cause you to lose your gems and enchants on the item. Similarly, the tier 10.277 pieces will require a Heroic Mark of Sanctification and the corresponding tier 10.264 piece. The Heroic Mark of Sanctifications drop from the last bosses in each wing of the heroic version of the 25-man Icecrown raid. Keep in mind that players can only engage in heroic encounters if someone in the raid has defeated Arthas, and as that encounter will not be available for many weeks, it will be awhile before anyone can get any tier 10.277. Have you started saving for tier 10?

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