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Treachery on Vent: Infiltrating Enemy Tactics

lakewintergraspA couple nights ago, I was running Wintergrasp on my server, Khaz Modan, and lamenting the fact that all day the Horde had been unsuccessful at capturing the contested zone. Finally in one raid group, someone offered up their ventrilo server for everyone to use so we could better coordinate our efforts. It sounded like a great idea, and I joined up. Another guild fresh off a 25-man Onyxia kill all attended, and were joined by many others in the WG group, as well. The strategy began. We called out when we were getting a group of siege engines rolling, asked for more gunners if we needed them, made sure we were all heading together as groups instead of off on our own, and coordinated who would defend the towers. All seemed to be going well as far as our own strategies went. There was just one problem: everywhere we went, the Allies went, too, and very quickly. For all our coordination efforts, theirs seemed to be just as good. But we pushed on. About 10 minutes into the battle, we took up a new tactic. "Let's head east," someone suggested. That's when we heard it. An unfamiliar voice that had been silent up until then clicked through the vent server. "They're heading east!!" he said. Everything fell silent. Then, the same voice again. "Wrong vent server." Turns out, someone from the previous Ony raid had switched to his ally player before WG, but stayed on Vent with the group. Simultaneously, he was in an alliance vent server, relaying all of our precious tactical information to the enemy. The traitor! I knew one thing: this meant war. Other than people cursing out the treacherous infiltrator, the vent channel grew quiet. We took to our keyboards to plan our next move and, with everyone informed via raid chat, we even started announcing false information on our mics. The enemy grew confused. And, apparently, very frustrated. As we smashed through the Keep's walls and tore down their defenses, that now-familiar, previously smug voice came through the vent loud and clear. Yells of defeat. We had beaten him at his own game in an epic battle of wit. Which leads me to my conclusion: vent may not be the best choice for giant raid groups composed mostly of people who you don't know. If you go this route, boot anyone who's unfamiliar until they gain your trust. Also, allies suck (just kidding... except for this particular group of alliance!). For the Horde! :D Although this is the first case of this happening to me, I am certain it's not all that uncommon with the availability of creating characters of both factions on a server. What stories do you have of cross-faction treachery?

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