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You Learn Something New Everyday

[caption id="attachment_8732" align="alignright" width="354" caption="Should Of Learned It 400+ Days Ago..."]Should Of Learned It 400+ Days Ago...[/caption] Logic has done it to me again.  And by it, I mean making me look like a complete moron (I lack a brain).  During my last PTR run I learned something that I really should have known for over a year.  A simple, small detail pertaining to World of Warcraft's itemization.  Hell, I've played along side it, seen it in action, even inspected those geniuses who figured it out, but the synapse never fired.  The light bulb never turned on.  I never knew that you can put any color gem in any color slot (meta and prismatic aren't colors). I was late to the last PTR run so I was rushing to get my gear all settled.  Due to time constraints, I asked another party member which gems I should create and was told to fill everything with haste and spell power.  "Wait, in all of the slots?" I asked.  I imagine he rolled his eyes and nodded his head as he nonchalantly said yes.  "You...you can do that?" I stammered, completely unaware that Blizzard allows you to break the color coding (how dare Blizzard!). Seriously, how dare the designers allow such an atrocity.  That's like letting a kindergartner hit the square block through the round hole.  It doesn't work that way!  It's blasphemy, sacrilege, desecration!  My world is shattered.  Up is now down, left is topwise and right is cornerwise.  Jon & Kate might as well be divorced.  I'm lost.  Dejected.  Stupefied at my oversight. No wonder Rawr kept telling me to decorate Solidsamm with Delicate Cardinal Rubies.  I...just assumed it was wrong.  Pretty sure that assumption just made an ass of me.  Time to go poke my brain with a Q-Tip. Needless to say, I dropped badges, honor and cold hard gold on regemming Solidsamm and Solidsagart to cover for my stupidity.  Hopefully my story allows for someone else to come to the realization that nothing in WoW has to be logical, before it bites them in the rump. Note: You'll negate any socketing bonus if you fill the slots with incorrect colors.

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