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The First Days of "Echoes of Doom"

AchievementsSo as many of you know, the patching process didn't exactly go smoothly for Blizzard. There were delays, installation issues, server issues, add-on issues, and for the fortunate few (like myself) you lost all your vanity pets and mounts. Yes... I know to look in the character screen, those babies are gone. Apparently it's a "display issue"

That's not what I want to talk about, however. Once I plowed through all the speed bumps, things were actually pretty fun! I logged on with tons of new stuff to do and things to get excited about.

While learning new mechanics has been a bit of a process, man, is it fun to see what my characters can do! My Paladin is pumping out more damage than I ever thought possible, and I have to say Hammer of Righteousness is about the coolest thing I have cast in a long time. Not only is it a great AoE, but I just love that sound it makes! (I know,  but you have to appreciate the small things).

There were a few unexpected surprises as well. Once I got all trained up and got my hair cut, I started on a project I hadn't even considered before the patch dropped. I hit the AH and started buying up some glyphs to buff up my spellbook. Once I figured out where the Lexicon of Power was, I had a bunch of little enhancements to play with!

Finally, I have to say, I just love the new achievements and titles. Allow myself to introduce you to Bastosa Jenkins (or is it Steve Marcus Bastosa Jenkins now?).

On a serious note,  it has been a great excuse to check out some old content, and explore some of the secluded places in Azeroth I have never made it to. While I didn't get credit for everything I have done thus far, I think I am really going to enjoy going back and crossing all those old bosses off the achievement list.

If this is a taste of what Wrath is going to be like, I am even more excited. Blizzard has done away with boredom of the downtime, and has given us all something fun to experience. Now if I could only get my epic flyer back...

Reader Comments (22)

Steve Marcus Bastosa Jenkins...has a nice ring to it.

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

I gotta say as a Prot warrior i definately welcome the change. I love how much they improved my dmg. and I have had the same problem as you bast. It sucks not having a mount or my senegal parot but ill take the good with the bad (at least untill the GMs get to me).

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGuan

How's your DPS looking Bastosa? (I know we're tanks) My guild and I hit Kara last night and I was the TOP DPS!!! (Usually I'm 4th or more often than not 6th.) Insta-cast spells are awsome. ^.^ <3

My Santo's finally displaying a new hair cut. (Looks sweet too!) The King's Defender is finally in fashion for the Tankadin. And fell 65 yards with-out taking any damage!! woo!!

(I hope you get your epic flyer back dude. It's not fun going around Outland at speeds less than 300%)

-El Santo Fuego

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSantofuego

I am a BIG fan of the new fun thingies to check out. The Achievements are AWESOME aklthough the first time one popped during playtime I nearly had to check my pants due to the not expecting it. Especially cool are some things that really effect my main toon, Number one being that with the new pet training system leveling my hunter is SIGNIFICANTLY less expensive than before. Now that I only need to pay to train my character I will have a lot more gold to work on some of that pesky mount training I need. Also, in terms of pets, not having to run all over the world taming a certain pet to get a certain skill for my main pet is going to save A TON of time. The most immediately gratifying change though is that Blizzard lowered the amount of XP it takes to level SIGNIFICANTLY in the 60-70 range. Now I will be at 70 well before Wrath goes live. Can I get a W00T!

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKleenur

I'm liking it so far. My huntard got his Devilsaur and was able to level inscription to 360 last night.

Now if i could only make a final decision on how to respec my other 3 characters :P

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNoobalicious

i think the new patch is great :D

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteven Stytle

I think the new achivement system is great fun. BUT. If you get 50 mounts you get a albino drake. Cool. But you only have to grind gold enough to bye evry singel mount you can find. Thats to easy in my book. Other then that its a super patch.

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKastegir

Love the new patch, but hear about any good new addons and huds that work for this patch yet? It might be too soon to ask, but hey thought you guys might have an inside track on these things.

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJWu83


October 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersebman

aaahhh 700g in a day from inscription :D

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterYender

The new patch seems great but one has to wonder if Blizzard hired Twitters System admins to help them with the roll out or what. Twitter gets stable for a few days and all the sudden a handful of WoW servers start having trouble, I don't think its coincidence. Keep your eyes pealed cause there is a whale of fail headed your way.

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

Um,mmm Might be the fact that Im sober (uncharacteristic "not something to be endorced or encouraged for all -18/ legal age") not able to play WOW atm, But for all those crying about missing mounts, keys & vanity pets.???


simply go talk to Blacksmith, Stablemaster and the like to get your gear back

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWoodynz


The stablemaster only restores quest mounts that you destroyed. I've been there and he restored 1 of the 15 pets I lost and 0 of the mounts.

I doubt there would be a 41 page thread on the WoW forums (linked in post), with multiple blue posts saying they were working on a solution if it were this easy.

Didn't really feel like I was "crying" in my post... just pointing out an issue.

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

Arggggg there goes my day of simple meditation.

Feeling the need to rock back n fourth on the floor chanting now :o(
*fingers crossed* boys in blue will fix this without me having to cry to a GM in a few weeks when im able to wow again.

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWoodynz

Learning the new Pally mechanic after just getting used to the ol' one was a tad amusing =D
but losing my UI wasn't... but hair cut and stormwind harbor looks awesome =D
tasty little bite of things to come!

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLuminaa

I love the achievements! I've already done like a billion!

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDaemonbane

It's going to take some time to work the kinks out of my enhance shaman, but I'm liking what I've seen so far, with the exception of the Spirit Wolves talent (it sucks).

Also got a glyph of wind fury, which is supposed to boost the atk power bonus by 40%. Seems to work, but I can't tell for certain because the tooltip currently displays "$s1" where the bonus number is supposed to be.

I've a question, though. How can you tell what your DPS is? Sure, you go to the character tab and hover over "atk power", but is that all there is to it?

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

i got stinker and the albino drake in the first two days i am so happy.

thats 51 pets and 51 mounts

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLifedragon

I love and hate the Pali changes, I like that the new spell system of Palis does not penalize those who have worked so hard to get good gear with both milgation and +SD/P for threat yet allows us to use gear that is easier to find and though before would have been fine milgation but lousy threat is now descent threat. And I like but dislike the changes to the Judge/Seal system I mean I like not having to front load my mana and hope that I need enough healing to get my mana back up to keep threat up since you don't have to do Judge/Re Seal spam and can just spam judge (which is cheap mana) instead as far as the Judge/Seal system goes, but at the same time the original reason why I loved my Pali was because it was the class that required the most micro managing, sure stance dancing is more complex then the old judge/seal system but it wasn't as situational and important to make sure to pick the right one at the perfect timing. Theirs still some micro managing dealing with keeping the CD times not in sync so that you can cast them as they become avalible but other then that it isn't near the "work" at keeping a Paladin a Paladin

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

I know this is not what your post was about, but anyways pets/mounts should be in your ingame mail :)

I lost 50 pets, fortunately I got the "stinker" achievement before server crash so at least I had something to annihilate kara with last night.

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJenna

I got my mounts back this morning. it was strange I logged on no mail and I was about to log off when like any ADD afflicted individual something shinny caught my eye I went to check it out and I noticed that now i suddenly had mail. my auction loot and mounts where now in my mailbox.

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

This happened to me aswell Bastosa. I enter wow and wtf? I had my flying mounts no more and ofcourse my rares vanity pets. I made a GM ticket and they sayd that they are fixing it. Later that day I got my mounts back and i was happy :D. Anyway the damage of paladin protection increased dramatically from 5-6th in a karazhan or Zul'Aman group to 3-4th at DPS. Avenger's Shield instant cast?!? WTF? hammer of wrath instant cast? It was very nice. Retribution is nice aswell. OP in PvP. Got nerfed on my mage by a retri paladin in 2 seconds. Crusader Strike and the new spell Divine Storm. So now the paladins protection are the best tanks ever, with righteous fury up i take aggro from the warrior when he has 5 sunder already up.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSebastian

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