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Signing On With A Purpose

AND HE STICKS THE LANDING!I don't know how some of you do it. How do you sign on to World of Warcraft and jump over the gaps in Ironforge for 30 minutes before doing something? How do you sit there and shoot the shit for two hours and nothing else? How?

I was watching my friend “play” the other day and that was the kind of stuff he kept doing. I thought he brought me over to show me his new spec, a new piece of gear, perhaps something from Hallow's End that he manged to get or thought was cool. No, he just called me over to show me that he could jump the gap with a full 720 thrown in. With all the new stuff added in the past month, how is it that he lacks something to do!?

Whenever I sign in I always have a concrete purpose, even if I am only logging on for 10 minutes. Yea, I have signed in just to talk to someone, but if it wasn't a five minute conversation, then I was headed off to do some dailies at the same time. When I pop on in the morning, it is usually to buy up all that cheap Netherweave cloth that is constantly on the Auction House.

I don't know how those people do it. How can you sign into World of Warcraft, a game that has so much to do, and just kill time in the city or chew the fat on ventrilo, while your character goes through its idle animations? Personally, if I am not doing at least two things at once I feel like I am wasting time. Please, explain it to me, and no, I am not belittling you.

The reason I want to know is because I am one of those guys who will sign off from WoW almost without notice. I will never do this if I am in a group or actively participating in something, but if I am questing and just get fed up then boom, I am gone. I could even be mid-conversation with someone, as rude as that is. This actually annoys me and is the reason why I want to know how some players can just do nothing. My biggest pet peeve is when I am actively trying to find a group for an instance. If I spend more than 5-10 minutes LFGing I will throw my hands in the air and swear off the game for a few hours. Please, enlighten me you “wasters of time,” and if you are like me, shout it loud so I know I am not the only one.

This is completely off topic, but anyone interested in the video game industry and computer animation should make sure they see this video from Image Dynamics about their new technology. The most up-to-date of you have already seen it, as it is a bit old.

Reader Comments (39)

I constantly just catch my self doing absolutly nothing and the main reason i do it is because im bored and there is nothing better to do in RL or im just taking to some people and need my character to be moving while i do it, ( i dont know why i need to be moving i just have to be) or the maing reason is i forget about what i need to do so untill i figure it out i just run around but the newest reason i run around randomly is to shake everyone elses screens when my corehound runs :D

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDimak

I find it really annoy LFGing for 15 mins posting a message for a group in /1 or /2 then getting stoopid responses from 'master time wasters' then the 'anal' jokes kick in... sometimes its a giggle but sometimes it wears thin, i give up and go on an alt.
sign in with the intention of getting certain amounts of a profession covered chara lvled or an instance (or 2) nailed... cant see a point in wasting time... being bored in RL is no different to me than running in circles in game...

so i totally agree with iTZKooPA and wonder the same thing...how?? XD

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLuminaa

I to pretty much try to constantly stay active. I run mutli clients so, like now, i have 2 open. Main is flying around to every single FP to hit the inns for the hallowed achievments ( 2 more then i will have all 3 zones) , while on my other client Im logging in and out chars to trick or treat. Seasonal makes it easier to multi task tho.

But I always need something to do. I have alot of rep exhalted and pets and mounts. Also, the achievment system is awesome, im one of those players who enjoys completeing goals. And when Im doing the easy wow stuff (like not raiding) makes it easy to afk, multi task in RL as well, clean, grab a bite...hmmm...speaking of a bite....:)

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReeper

I will often walk around in large circles monitoring general,trade and guild chat for anything i can troll on. I believe its akin to people who will pace around the living room while talking on the phone. I'm sure there is some deep psychological explanation for it.
I believe it may also have something to do with the fact that often I will not want to commit more than 30 minutes to any one activity. Rather than run a 2 hour instance or 3 hour raid(adding time for putting together a group) I will just run around town without purpose.

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnteri

Best place for jumping is in orgrimmar. If you go to the battlemasters area. There are canopy's covering different battlemasters. The goal is to jump from one canopy to the next, avoiding spikes as many times as you can. You will often see groups of people doing this.

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnteri

Jumping the gaps... wow.. I'm going to have to try that. :)

How about the latest do nothing.. turning into a zombie?

WoW has so many opportunities to "do nothing" it's amazing. :)

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUrza

jumping as a female nightelf is always funny you can try to jump over people while making a jump roll or you can see how many jump rolls in a row you can make

also jumping side to side you can make your char moonwalk shen it makes a jump roll by jumping sideways and strafing the opposite site before landing

Bored Nightelf Druid

Steamwheedle Cartel

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKreecher

Maybe it's excercise. Excercise to be a competitor.

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlanmonster

I agree iTZKooPA.

The worst are the people that go on WoW and then go "I'm bored".

Yeah, so go read a book or something like that. If I have nothing to do in WoW, I have enough other things in my life that I can easily occupy my time with.

So @Alexander: I think it is nonsense that these people know all about socializing. A lot of them contribute nothing sensible other than the rehashed anal jokes and the likes. If people are socializing, fine, but there's a huge difference between socializing and just hanging on WoW 'cause you're bored.

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJ. Ruigrok van der Werven

I agree... There is no shortage of people that could use the "bored" player's help in some instance or raid or something. Why not put it out there for others in the game that you are available to help. Seems kinda lame to just log on to jump, move in cirles, chit chat (especially in the already OVER CROWDED) cities, or whatever it is you do to waste time. Try enchanting something for someone or offering your skills to a noob to help them get ahead in the game. It is a community and a little charity goes a long way. I remember when I first started, a level 70 ran up to me out of no where and introduced me to the trade window. She gave me 4 gold and said have a nice day. Then she ran up to the next noob and did the same thing. Pretty cool if you ask me. So, now when I'm bored of questing or farming, I often will find someone to group with in the area I'm working in and help them complete their quests and let them have all the drops and chests. It really is pretty rewarding to help someone out and they are always grateful.

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpgp2002

apathy and general laziness.
i log on wow and think "hmm i need to do this that and the other. one of these would be nice. ooh that's shiny. i want one of those" and do not much. other than like dailys and...
hang on yeah i do usually do stuff on wow.
depends on the situation i guess. i mean like lately my guild's sort of given up raiding and people are randomly pugging and whatnot, and i'm so bored of pvp. WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO?! loads, i'm sure but i can't be bothered to drag my ass to arathi to farm iron. so i'll do something simple like level a lowbie for a bit. then get bored and watch tv or something. or hang out on THE ONE AND ONLY PROJECTLORE.COM *cheesy grin*

whee that turned out to be a lot longer than i predicted.
@alexander: that saounded a bit harsh D:<

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHoofhearted?

for horde, we get on our mount and get on the org bank and jump from piece of wood to piece of wood. I do it all the time. I basically just raid, and JUST raid. Dailes, wait awhile, raid, sleep. My schedule. I just don't like to do anything else. PvP annoys me (becuase im horribly geared for it) and arenas is the same deal. I just like to haze away at my mind.

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRokokos

Several times I've changed toons 3 or 4 times in the process of changing toons. Also, the Org bank run is fun as hell for some perverse reason.

Now that xombies abound, there's always something to do-- FOR THE SCOURGE!

October 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeavus-Rexxar

Some lower lvl guidies of mine always ask how I 'level so fast'. I don't think it's fast, I'm just getting crap done. I finish my quests, I work on my profession, and then I'm done. I'm not waiting around for anyone. While it's sometimes boring to quest on your own, I'd rather do that than stand around or go AFK in the middle of everyone.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

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