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Signing On With A Purpose

AND HE STICKS THE LANDING!I don't know how some of you do it. How do you sign on to World of Warcraft and jump over the gaps in Ironforge for 30 minutes before doing something? How do you sit there and shoot the shit for two hours and nothing else? How?

I was watching my friend “play” the other day and that was the kind of stuff he kept doing. I thought he brought me over to show me his new spec, a new piece of gear, perhaps something from Hallow's End that he manged to get or thought was cool. No, he just called me over to show me that he could jump the gap with a full 720 thrown in. With all the new stuff added in the past month, how is it that he lacks something to do!?

Whenever I sign in I always have a concrete purpose, even if I am only logging on for 10 minutes. Yea, I have signed in just to talk to someone, but if it wasn't a five minute conversation, then I was headed off to do some dailies at the same time. When I pop on in the morning, it is usually to buy up all that cheap Netherweave cloth that is constantly on the Auction House.

I don't know how those people do it. How can you sign into World of Warcraft, a game that has so much to do, and just kill time in the city or chew the fat on ventrilo, while your character goes through its idle animations? Personally, if I am not doing at least two things at once I feel like I am wasting time. Please, explain it to me, and no, I am not belittling you.

The reason I want to know is because I am one of those guys who will sign off from WoW almost without notice. I will never do this if I am in a group or actively participating in something, but if I am questing and just get fed up then boom, I am gone. I could even be mid-conversation with someone, as rude as that is. This actually annoys me and is the reason why I want to know how some players can just do nothing. My biggest pet peeve is when I am actively trying to find a group for an instance. If I spend more than 5-10 minutes LFGing I will throw my hands in the air and swear off the game for a few hours. Please, enlighten me you “wasters of time,” and if you are like me, shout it loud so I know I am not the only one.

This is completely off topic, but anyone interested in the video game industry and computer animation should make sure they see this video from Image Dynamics about their new technology. The most up-to-date of you have already seen it, as it is a bit old.

Reader Comments (39)

Jumping over gaps is old hat. I like to fly around shat on my awesome mount...

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJuggynaut

Yee I do this all the time usually walking in circles or jumping gaps.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

I usually fly upside down when I'm bored.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNaasuk(Andrew)

I do it all the time and tbh i have no clue why. It probably has something to do with how i use the game as a place to escape RL (although with Trade chat sometimes it is hard xD) and as long as i have the game open people tend to leave me alone.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterApalis

If im bored and finished my dailies and did my HH run i can just go and pwn some noob horde, that's always fun

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJerg

well mostley just change shapes with druid. or go to major city of the alliance and hang around.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterxoerox

i agree with iTZKooPA, how can u log on and not find sumthing to do, wether it's questing or farming stuff for gold.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDan

People wonder why I'm exalted with everything, if I'm on, I'm doing Something 90% of the time.

While I might hang around waiting for a group or whatever, I usually find something to do to keep myself "productive"/busy. Farming rep/gold/recipes/mats usually, or honor/badges/tokens (or now achievements). I dont like not doing anything, though I might afk myself in shat or org, just to show off my mounts/gear/pets I'm usually not actually at the comp - though sometimes I'm in deep planning for raids or whatnot, it really depends.

But I can understand not wanting to do anything, and just wanting to wait for something "new" to come along. For all that's "new" with the patch, a lot of the game still doesnt feel different, and the content additions aren't like new factions or instances so the entertainment value of some of it is waning rapidly. (still it does give some folks something to do so /shrug)

That emily animation is Very impressive

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

I like running around in circles in the middle of Shat. Especially the water, is nice.

It takes one jump to get out of the water on the floor, and one jump to get back in the water. I always try to do that until I manage to do one complete circle completely without a failed jump.

I also like how sometimes people just run with me ^^

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwinkelwagen

There have been times where I'll just sit chilling at Goldshire for an hour watching people duke it out, or RP around me. I dunno. Sometimes the game is just fun to watch. Sure you could go out and instance, but there's other aspects of the game besides just killing things and questing for gear. Lots of people like to explore those aspects. "Hm... I wonder if I could do this..." I spent two hours once trying to get on the roofs of Goldshire just to see if I could. Basically, if I went around just killing things all day and nothing else, it would get boring real fast. Gotta have some relax time in WoW too.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeo

I just wear my best gear and then go afk while everyone stares in awe lol i do it because its fun and i am waiting for a group to do heroics so while i wait most of the time i play diablo2 :D

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnanun

All those “wasters of time” are more than less the people which know that wow is not only about lvl-ing, grind instances, is also about meeting, knowing, makeing new ingame-friends.
I spend each week about 1 hour walking, chating, nothing more, this a well spend time, because I can make plans(for instances, farming, AH, Lvl new alt with another player) or just meet random players with your needed materials for you.
There is no wasted time, only those that are busy or stressed in RL think about another men time, because they reduce all to chating or flexing.

For iTZKooPA:
If you have a schedule like that for wow, that means you have a low RL or you are a time-Freak.
Anyway, you should not concern about others time.
That's a personal choice.

With regards,

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexander

Holy Macaroni that shit was realistic

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpudnik

I sign on with a purpose, but I make time for friends (that's why I play this game - to hang out with my non-local friends ingame).

Maybe it's because I'm not an "idle" kind of person. Maybe it's because I like the feeling of accomplishment that each new rep level or new item of hard-worked-for gear gives me. Whatever the reason, I always have SOMETHING I'm working on. For instance, right now I'm grinding Kurenai rep so I can add the talbuks to my ever growing list of mounts for the Leading the Calvary achievement. When I'm not doing that, I'm farming Baron for the same reason. I like to have something to do.

However, I can always take a break to just hang out, or once I'm done I always hang out for a while just spouting off in guildchat. The game's supposed to be about fun, after all.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

its fun to jump on the sw statue and dance

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterzany

i feel the same way... i only go on to quest and LFG while questing. But yea... the LFG interface SUCKS. it is nearly impossible to find GOOD group for a SPECIFIC instance EXACTLY when you want. with the amount of people they brag about that are online, you'd think they'd have a more efficient way of grouping players for instances. Seriously. Xb

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

I don't see the point in logging on at all if you aren't going to accomplish anything. Whether that be a quest, or an instance, or even something as simple as exploration achievements. Just do something! If you're gonna be the guy running around Stormwind prancing on your horse for two hours, you probably shouldn't play this game anymore.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

Well i usually just fly around shatt doing stupid things. I dont know why trust me i ask myself that a lot but the fact is that i do it and i do it all the time.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

Nice I See Your Point,

As the same as you i do have to do something if im playing wow, even if its on a Alt or training in cooking and fishing if they really isnt anything to do, but i dont leave if i cant do something that bothers me lol. i have to finish the dam thing lol. BUT at the same time with all the achievements that are up they should be no way that you are just sitting around doing nothing do BG's for achievements at least mount up and explore regions that you haven't and do 360, 720, or 1080's if you want while jumping off cliffs to discover the maps of Azeroth or Outlands. LOL XD. but i do see your point as of right now they is too much things to do now to be shooting the breeze and clearing in city gaps lol do that in RL lol.

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichael

My wife abuses me for this all the time... i can log on for an hour and just jump the ropes in one of the banks of Shattrath, or even the mildly more productive 'spend an hour rearranging my bank and bags...'

Most of the time i do this tho, i will be talking to a number of people. You say you like to do 2-3 things at once, try having 2-3 full blown conversations with some close mates that live on other sides of the country to you, while trying to stay alive, on a paladin none the less! (this is less of an arguement now, since everyone knows paladins are teh hax ;P )

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaemundr

Your right i cant sit there i am always doing stuff if its from trying to find a group but if im just sitting there because im bored im atleast grinding lol ITZKooPA your right. and am i right or left that its hard to just sit there? (note:that right or left was a stupid part of a book lol)

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJewelmaster of thunderlord

I usually am busy actually doing something. I try to turn off trade chat in big cities because of all of the kids. Can't stand em

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry Petty

I've spent many a night just jumping diagonally from stone to stone in front of the bank in IF, back and forth between the halls that go to the forge. Generally I'm on vent shooting the shit with guildies or what not.

MMOs are a social game, sometimes you just want to be social. It would be a lot easier if my wife would leave me alone while I'm chatting with my guildies. :D

/ducks flying dish

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLyssa

I'm the same, Itz. The only time I'm standing still is either cause I'm looking up something online or I've signed on at work and have to stop for a customer. Then when I'm done, boom, sign off.

I'm a busy person in RL too, and Azeroth is a great place to have some downtime, but you'll always find me farming, crafting, or exploring. Like yesterday when I went to the soon-to-be DKnight starting zone

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWML

I usually like to have something to do when I log on but today I'm guilty of just sitting in Goldshire with my Sinister Squashling and Headless Horseman Mount rockin the mohawk. Granted I wasn't actually at the computer... ;)

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJT

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