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Zombie Infestation = Corrupted Blood 2.0

Hakkar = The REAL Lich KingRemember that small issue Blizzard had with Zul'Gurub a few years ago? You know the one I am talking about. It revolved around one of Hakkar The Soulflayer's abillities, Corrupted Blood. The ability was harmless to most high level players, causing a direct hit of 875-1125 shadow damage plus 200 damage a second after that. It wasn't until someone managed to hearth to a major city with the debuff that the problems started. To lower level players and players not paying attention, the DOT could easily kill them, while spreading further.

Many servers were absolutely destroyed by the bug, with Blizzard running around to try and repair the damage. After the mess was finally cleaned up, the academics that focus on video games and/or contagious diseases became interested in the topic. Numerous academic outlets, including the Center for Disease Control (CDC), requested the data with hopes of using it as a model for real world research. A devastating bug in a video game may turn out to be good after all.

I am shocked and dismayed that so few people have put that little issue together with the current World Event going on in World of Warcraft. To me the events occurring now are clearly designed based on the accidental Corrupted Blood plague. For those of you who may not have noticed, various places in Azeroth have been delivered a package by someone, Booty Bay is considered to be the first. The packages began arriving hours after the Argent Dawn setup posts in all the major cities, warning all the citizens that the Lich King was coming. Oh, and said packages corrupt those around them with You're Infected!

There are slight differences between the Corrupted Blood issue and the Lich King World Event though. Those differences are easily attributed to that fact that the designers did this event on purpose. The You're Infected! debuff does no damage, it will simply turn you into an undead zombie should the timer run out. Getting hit by the zombie ability Mangle, will reduce your timer by a full minute, so mind those who hunger for brains. As of press time, most of the continent of Kalimdor on my server has been whipped clean of NPCs, cities and mobs.

I believe that Blizzard Poster Kisirani's statements lead credibility to my thoughts. When a poster said that the plague was to easy to avoid – Argent Healers, Priests, Paladins and Shamans can dispell it – Kisirani quipped “It certainly does seem containable, doesn't it? :)” Seems like a dead reference to how “easy” it should have been to contain Corrupted Blood. On the flip side, the crates have been appearing in more locations, as well as an introduction infected critters, such as roaches.  Making it easier for the zombies to lay waste to Azeroth.

So what are you guys doing? Plundering your homelands while having fun conversing with the opposing faction through zombie chat or are you defending your castle? Perhaps you are trying to find out exactly who is behind this mess? Or are you still stuck on farming those Hallow's End items?

Reader Comments (37)

So far i've been running around on my 70 Rogue hunting Zombies down.. Some people don't like that :P
I tried being a zombie once and it was fun, Swarmed Elwynn forest and I started to plague off in Eversong Woods.. That was awesome :P I plan to keep on killing and eating brains to see where this event goes.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterItokii

I've really just been cursing the fact that leveling is difficult when all of the quest givers are dead.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHarper

Pease note: Every enemy scourge member becomes neutral while you're a zombie.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNaasuk(Andrew)

Didn't I just post a comment on "Braaaains" saying the same thing?

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBarugaara

Well actually if u have an ally get a friend get curse froM SW and fly to westfall and make duel with him (ice block if mage) and kill all, they become zombie too! It is reallllyyyy FUN! I jsut prefer u one thing, dont try Duskwood. lvl 65 Guards Pop up :S And as a zombie u only have zombie abilities so impossibl to get 5 lvl 65's in a time but easy to get 4-3 because all hits heal u

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDodosu

I'm helping out zombie raid in Org to try infect Thrall, turns out boss mobs are immune to it (Vol'Jin is able to get it tho)

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChacka

just logged on today and discovered that the timer has dropped to 5 minutes :D

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterunneth

on windrunner we've all been killing every NPC we see :) it's been fun so far!

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjhez

well... me and 4 of my guild m8s just started killing stuff on Eversong for fun and soon we had army of 200 zombies :D it was rly rly rly funny tought soon we got ganked by T6 ppl... But it sill was rly fun :)

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterN00|3

I was goin to horseman on my holy priest, a bunch of my guildies were there, but they didnt know i had the debuff. So halfway through our first fight i turned into a zombie, used corpse explosion, and turned em all into zombies. really funny downing horseman as a zombie.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFurbalto

Ahh the good old days. I love the black plague days from ZA.

From what my lore tells me however, this event isn't based or designed off of the ZA plague, it's based off of the same plague that hit Lordaeron, of which arthas had to fight. From what Blizzard is trying to tell us is that Arthas aka the Lich King is recreating the past.

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

I was playing WoW before the Zul'Gurub patch was released. Unfortunately, I was a much more casual player back then, so I missed out on the bug. :-(

October 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I had a blast infecting Stormwind's auction house NPC's. The last thing anyone expects when they have their noses in the AH window is to be attacked by a zombie that was once a former AH person it was great. In meantime it is fun to converse with ally while on my hordie toon in shat attacking the peacekeepers. For once I have seen both ally and horde agree on something both factions like to do and I find it neat to team up with other allies and wreaking havoc in Shat and all the other places. The best part about being a zombie is not only the universal zombie language but trading with oposing factions for pets that another faction does not have is great. I will not be surprised if I see someone advertising as a zombie that they are selling the pets to mograte from one side to another

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAngelicslayer23

Corrupted Blood was sooooooooo much worse. You were litterarely walking on a carpet of corpses.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric

I'm doing quests at 'Light hope's Chapel' There are new quests. There is also one to complete in Karazhan!!!!

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOnaga

New stuff owns. Going around the world killing things, getting AD rep and a chance of EPICS. My server (Bronze Dragonflight EU) Got Rid Of the invasions in about two hours so it was fun competing for the elites.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJordan

I think the timer differs depending on source: 2 min for roach, 10 min for xombie. Not sure though.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHeavus-Rexxar

This Zombie event is a huge pain for anyone who isn't yet 70. It takes HOURS to complete a quest because you have to dodge the bored lvl 70's going around killing their own factions players and npc's. Not to mention the other faction out hunting for the fun of it. I know I play on a pvp server, but it is rediculous when your own faction is boning you over.

October 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaucian

I think it gets pretty annoying but I do look forward to the zombie raids. I want to raid SW and take out everyone in there with an army. They should have one day where everyone in the main cities gets infected and turns into zombies. Then we can wreak havoc and spread bloody chaos across the land of Azeroth. muhuhahaha.

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCypher671

I don't like this zombie event, at all. I'm trying to level some alt characters (in their lower 20's and 30's) and it gets rather repetative.

Take quest(s)
Do quest(s)
Go back to questgiver/questhub
See it has been killed
Be killed by a ?? zombie in 2-3 hits
Be a zombie
Kill myself (with the explosion thingie)
Suffer durability damage (not like I can do anything at those levels)

Cycle starts again. Blizzard could've taken low levels into consideration a bit more, imo.

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTyrae

im a pala so i am one of the people who can removed the new debuff but i allway remember to ask people if they want it removed but all in all i dont really like the infect thing since all of the if bg npc where dead so was the ah and some other vital npc like daily quest givers in schatt.

the only thing that was fun what i did once we where 5x 25 raids groups who stood in shatt and got infected then when we turned to zombie we used the horde portal to ogrimar and killed everything in sight hilarius

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergrillbar

I've been getting pissed off witht he zombies i understand its fun for some ppl but lvling you just cant do it cos ppl like to hit the lower towns.

I spoke to a GM about this and the developers planed it this way you could say (cos of his job) when it will end but he did say IT WILL GET WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER.....

Bring on WOTLK and more quests and lvling more raids i can't wait

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNightvamp

As of yesterday on my server (Doomhammer) the entire Greengill Coast on Isle of Quel'Danas was zombied. Also Shatrath is completely overrun.

I love this event, cause you really get a sense that its becoming overwhelming and that we will all soon be infected and zombied.

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterToranus

As my lowbie toon could not level, I just logged into my pally and killed and cured everyone I could find. It might be discouraged by the players who wish to zombie zerg, but my involvement makes it a challenge rather than an easy zerg.

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertyphoonandrew

This event is quite irritating. Pretty much on Frostmourne you have a whole lot of idiots constantly going into the AH and making it totally unusable.. and on purpose as well..

I havnt been able to use it all day and they just keep affecting the main NPCs

Good on blizzard for trying but just another epic fail

October 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhetamine

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