Ten Days of Knight: Day Six
Zand Broumand and his Death Knight, Bigwang, explore further away from Acherus while laying waste to the Scarlet Crusade, including a familiar civil servant.
This is the sixth part of our Ten Days of Knight special that will be running in addition to the normal show, leading up to the launch of Wrath of the Lich King on November 13. Let us know what you think! Remember that the expansion is still in beta, meaning things can change before the game goes live.
Remember that our subscribe page has links for Project Lore all over the web. You can use our Episodes RSS feed or Twitter to find out when new episodes are out, and don't forget to join our Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and MySpace.
You can see more of Zand and Bigwang's shenanegins on Thursday, and the Halls of Lightning continue tomorrow!
This is the sixth part of our Ten Days of Knight special that will be running in addition to the normal show, leading up to the launch of Wrath of the Lich King on November 13. Let us know what you think! Remember that the expansion is still in beta, meaning things can change before the game goes live.
Remember that our subscribe page has links for Project Lore all over the web. You can use our Episodes RSS feed or Twitter to find out when new episodes are out, and don't forget to join our Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and MySpace.
You can see more of Zand and Bigwang's shenanegins on Thursday, and the Halls of Lightning continue tomorrow!
Reader Comments (41)
All i can say is that Death Knight = Warrior. Its not a new class for me.
If you go to EPL now you can see the DK starting place without the Npc's and stuff. looks like they are just now setting up camp. lol
Good episode btw.
Thank for the show))
A Death Knight is nothing like a warrior. Warriors do not have 6 seperate primary resource cooldowns to worry about before getting to their secondary resource. Warriors have shields to hide behind. Warriors can use ranged weapons. Catch my drift? Not the same class and this goes out to all of you people who say it's "just like a warrior" because it's not.
No matter what are you saying about differnece between warriors and death knight they are still like warrior maybe bit buffed but that is all. Warrior with minions aka ghouls, with disease aka rogue, with some sort of healing aka warlocks but still warriors.
Similarity - plate armor, stamina/agility/defense, they can't use shields but still they can somehow substitute a role for tank, they can dual-wield two-handed wepons as a dps too. There is high chance that they will beat warriors much easier than warriors them but still overbuffed warrior.
Difference - it is enough to look at their talent trees but nothing that would really give me any point of use.
For DPS - use rogue/mage/warlock/hunter
For TANKING - use warrior, palladin, druid
For HEALING - Death Knight is useless :-)
Yes, it might be interesting at the beginning to play with Death Knigt but in future all the hype goes really down and I rather wait for some other hero class (real one not just some combination of warrior and all other).
mate,what do you reckon a paladin is? a combo of priest and warrior.DK is just a bit like a shadowpriest/lock and warrior mix.Next up: Mage Guard,combo of mage and warrior
You sir, are a retard. ^^
Baron Rivendare is a boss in Stratholme by the way
"This is the Fifth part of our Ten Days of Knight special that will be running in addition to the normal show" isnt it 6th?
Zand, wacted all 6 vids so far, thx for giving us non-beta'ers a glimpse of what we will be seeing
Watched* not wacted :P
I think Zand is adorable :)
He should do more funny voices for the quest text.
baron rivendar is from strathlome
Respec your death knight to blood mate, you kill faster, dont die as quickly and its more FUN :)
Great job guys! Keep making these fantastic videos.
P.S. Juggynaut whispered to you, didn't he? :)
Err... Dude, have you REALLY played WoW to 70? How can you still mistake the INN of a human town for the town hall? Haven't you been in enough of them?
Otherwise, nice vid I guess. Still think a tauren DK is just wrong, but why not...
A really great show, keep it up Zand
nice video man
Fun stuff. Thanks!
BTW, what mod is that that make the combat stats float up and away from the toon? It's cool.
andy67635, they are not just setting up shop there. That's the remains of the town after the events that take place in the Death Knight quest line. For instance, you see the cauldron there on the live server that Bigwang just helped create.
If they were just setting up shop, the town would still be populated by humans.
hey ima make a dk when wotlk comes out and im woundering is it a good class and will i be able make them any server or only were i have a 55+
btw zand i like how u named ur toon at the first episode Steven lol Bigwang is awesome tho
Haha i love these movies :D
Can't wait to play DK myself!!!
BTW keep up de good work! love these movies you guys are making :D
Mayor quimby of the simpsons.
Epic simpsons referance. thats cool =)
Btw nice episode Zand
What does Juggy keep whispering you?
Withy is wrong - they cannot duel wield two handers. They can only have 2x one handers, or 1x two hander. It's not really a warrior at all. The only similiarity is that they have a resource which builds up. Warrior's rage gets build up by getting hit, etc. Death Knights ONLY gain runic power by using spells that cost runes.
Plus a DK, for the most part, has very fast paced low-medium damage spells. Warriors have slower hard hitting spells.