Project Lore WotLK Beta 2.1: The Halls of Lightning
Project Lore goes back to the WotLK beta again, this time as level 80 toons. They group up and fly to The Ulduar Halls of Lightning, a level 80 instance in The Storm Peaks. Watch as our Project Lore guys take on this epic instance.
For these episodes, the team used premade level 80 characters, they are Dumpins, Shnooberella, Lylelovett, Uglynaut, and Undone. Remember that this was shot in the beta, so things can and already have changed since then.
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Every day this week, we'll have more for you at noon Pacific, so check out each episode!
For these episodes, the team used premade level 80 characters, they are Dumpins, Shnooberella, Lylelovett, Uglynaut, and Undone. Remember that this was shot in the beta, so things can and already have changed since then.
Use our Subscribe page to find links to follow us on places all over the internet. You can also use the Episodes RSS feed or Twitter to find out when new episodes are out, and don't forget to join our Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and MySpace.
Every day this week, we'll have more for you at noon Pacific, so check out each episode!
Reader Comments (64)
ahhhhh man
Glad to see Jeff finally on, waiting ever since he twittered about it two weeks ago.
I must admit, I am quite jealous of your beta keys, but I a am more excited to see the content you are showing the public.
I am sad to see that Mr. Trainor was unable to be there for this episode.
Awesome to see a paladin being played (my alliance class)! I will agree, Divine Storm is the spit!
Also, glad to see you guys are trying out new classes ><
Great job, guys. Looks like a blast. This is really getting me excited for Wrath.
finnaly a ret paly too bad he doesnt know how to play 1
Ret pallies have 1 more judgement, Judgement of Wisdom, which restores mana. This is turn makes us unstoppable juggernauts of holy death!
They have made tanking so fun with the new talents, and now with heroic throw as my pulling move this is going to be soooooooo fun.
Hey what happened to the full screen mode?
oh men i really want the WoTLK comes out right now it's looks so damn cool and funny^^
yer i just want wotlk to get out in stores now!!
@ andy67635
The full screen mode works fine for me, try reloading the page and watching again.
There is an issue with Full Screen on Flash 10, there should be a solution soon, bear with us! If you really really want full screen though, you can always download the raw files from the RSS feed for our videos at
ooo Jeff.. Dude! Someone hasn't played a pally in 3.0. :) Waiting for Jeff to hit his stride and start pulling aggro off Lyle...
Still great eps. Glad to see Jeff joining in on the fun. Thanks for the great work guys.
yeah ever since the patch ret pallies are everywhere on my server and i think they are going to get nerft when the x pac comes out what do you guys think
I don't know if he'd be able to. With my warrior, I can keep aggro from a ret pally pretty easily. They made it so much easier in 3.0 to tank as a warrior. It's kinda crazy. However, I will agree with you that the ret pally would be the closest one to being able to pull the mob from Lyle. They can do some ridiculous damage after one gets used to their spell rotation. Seen my brother burst mobs down very quickly. It's really quite impressive.
wow Lyle was doingmore dps then a somelevel 70 rogues and he is a prot tank lol, and arcane barage was doing like 1k every hit. plus i like how dorkins (or dopins) gun was actually making a blast of flame come out when he shots lol awsome. You guys should show how much juggy was healing cause he said he got 10k heal. alos have u seen the end talent for, i think it fury, its called "Titans Grip", thitans grip allows you to weild a 2 handed weapon in each hand lol, crazy plus there is talents that increase ur attack speed so you will be doing MAD damage. And shnoobins, are you arcane spec, just wondering becasue if you were fire u could use Living Bomb, Which is a dot and when its over the target explodeds and does damage to all targets within 10 yards.
lol i have terrible spelling
In my guild we have been having interesting issues with prot pallys (there is myself and one other one) being too "sticky" vrs a warrior off tank.
I have only recently hit 70 (this weekend!!!) and while I was leveling, I was running non-heroic 5 mans (underbog, crypts, slave pens) at 66-68 with 4 70's in good gear. Not only was I holding aggro just fine on 3-4 mobs, but I was also topping the dps charts.
Tonight one of the warriors and I are going to test threat generation, seeing if he can pull the mob off me, and vice-versa.
Speaking of the video I did notice that Jeff was "re-sealing" like a per-3.0.2 pally. I hope he notices that soon. Seals now last 2 min and the judgments don't consume the seal. Also he is fighting like a tank in front of the mob rather than behind so the mob can block, parry etc. I got yelled at, about that, when I was first learning melee dps.
Still great show! Just pointing out things I noticed, not to be considered a flame, your mileage may vary, see site (tankspot) for details, some restrictions may apply... :)
Jeff FTW
Separation anxiety? This must have been filmed some time ago. :)
The BAD thing about "Titans Grip" is that it decrease the hit chance of all your abilities by 15%!
I wish alex went down the forst tree rather than the arcane one but hey still great episode
That is true "Titans Grip" does have some disadvantages, i wish Alex was a rogue, so i could see how much there dps will increase in WOTLK.
aye yeah does look like he is resealing every judge, needs to get out of the habit :p