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Zombiefication Of The Azerothian Nation

The Wrath of the Lich King World Event has come a long way since our little discussion on Friday. The event progressed to what many called Phase 4 during the weekend and just passed into Phase 5 last night. It was followed a few hours later by Phase 6, with the factions claiming to be developing a cure for the plague. Wouldn't it be awesome if the “cure” was the same one that Nathan Petrelli tried to implement in the alternate future of Heroes?  I digress.

One thing we do know is that the new Karazhan boss mob, Tenris Mirkblood, will only be “around for approximately 10 days.” So if you want his non-combat pet or the ability to shred in World of Warcraft, then you better get that Karazhan group together before the 4th of November.

If you want a run down on the zombiefication of the Azerothian nation, then head over to Wowhead. A recap is not why I am here. The real reason I write to you today is about the world event as a whole. This is the first designed event that has had any kind of perceived negative impact on the game. As many commentators noted in my previous post; it can be incredibly difficult to level during this time. I can understand their complaints under one condition, that they are entirely new to the game.

I remember the good old days, before hours of raiding, before min-max charts, before perfecting one's spec for the best possible DPS or healing. I like to call them the virgin days. Everything was new and awe inspiring back then and you just wanted to take it in and never let it go. The World Event has disrupted all that, with most servers having nearly all of the NPCs whipped out and turned into minions of the Lich King. Quite hard to level and enjoy a new title under those conditions.

However, most of you are not new to the game.  In fact, I would think that if you are visiting a site like ProjectLore, then you are pretty familiar with the title. That being said, please stop fussing over losing a few weeks of leveling your fifth alt and take in the world event for all that it is worth. These events happen once in a blue moon and can offer experiences in gameplay unmatched by any other title or genre you may play again. Ever.  Just ask the people that were around for the launch of the Outlands portal, the construction of Quel'Danas or better yet, the months long struggle for the opening of Ahn'Qiraj. Who doesn't remember the ringing of the gong outside AQ and the succeeding events? You are part of an epic and unforgettable event, live it.

Reader Comments (39)

I love the heroes reference

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertyki mikk

first :) never got to say it

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteven

I love the event :D

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTumbrel


The zombie plauge thing is just stupid. However, it is possible to use the other faction's portals in the shattrath portal hall.........

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterniimrod

I agree. This is a big event that everyone should enjoy. This is a game, after all, and that's why we play it. I guess if one doesn't enjoy the event that much, they could just wait for Wrath to come out in a couple of weeks. Hopefully they have something else they can enjoy besides WoW.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

I simply cannot understand how someone could witness hordes (no pun intended) of zombies roaming the capital cities (unruly mobs that included not only NPC-zombies but also player-zombies embracing the opportunity be both audience AND actor) and not be overjoyed at the chance to witness a world event that is, at least, incredibly imaginative, and that may turn out to be a unique experience!

Hmmm... since these events are happening TO them and are not being created BY them... mayhaps they have control issues? Just sayin'.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZerbet

The only thing that is good about this one-time event is that it is indeed one-time only. When you are trying to level your first character, it is not fun--especially since I can't join in by fighting a necropolis or the new Kara boss. When you are a level 43 zombie, the level 70s kick your undead butt. I'll bet I would enjoy this more if I had a 70 to run around with.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHarper

Uh yah so im pretty noobish, just started playing 4 weeks ago, and yah the death of the NPCS in cities is a big problem. I know you spoke about my case and I agree with you. Missing a few weeks of leveling for me is a big deal. I have now leveled my dwarf hunter to 46 in just under 4 weeks, and am tyring to progress as much as possible by the release of WOTLK.....

I will admit the zombies were cool for a night, but when i cant buy acutions, and potential buyers cant buy my auctions, the game is being disrupted. I wish i had been playing for a year or two and had 19 lvl 70's but that is not my case and for me (i guess the rare situation) this zomibe thing is royally Fucking annoying.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGoliath553

This combat is supposed to be meant for arenas in specified locations. When you can do it ANYWHERE it is almost like blizzard can't see what they have done. And when u have to camp the FP in crossroads to fly to orgrimmar IT'S A PROBLEM!

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter:O

All you people, complaining about the AH and the BG masters being dead need to stop being so lazy. Boohoo, IF and SW are overrun., jus go to Darn or Exodar. Ya, they are a bit out of the way, but thats the point. I dont know about anywhere else, but on my server, Darn is almost always vacant, and the Exodar is a joke, you're lucky to see 1 other person there at all. Go to those cities for the AH and BGs, stop standing in the middle of IF crying like a baby. The zombies are avoidable, if you dont try to conduct business as usual in the most populated cities.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAllenok

Ahhhhh, the Gates of AQ...how I miss pre-BC.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMr.Vincent

If the flight master is dead in IF or org, U CANT FLY TO THE OTHERS.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter@ Allenok

GREAT POST in fact I agree with you so much, the first thing im going to do after i post this comment is go to ogrimmar and infect all of the battlemasters just to make the people who hate the event mad

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSathas

i had no problem leveling....have gained 5 1/2 levels during the plague outbreak 60-65ish

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNoobalicious

funny how the first like 4 ppl to post all said first...

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjustin

It's not like this event lasted for weeks on end, people act like this is ruining an entire month for them when in fact the worst of the zombie plague lasted like... 2 or 3 days? Anyway yeah I was really happy to be able to witness this event. I partook as one trying to cleanse those who were infected and battling zombies, to even getting taken over and turned into a brain hungering zombie myself. It makes me sad I never got the chance to really enjoy the other 1 time world events because they seemed equally cool.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

I was one of the commenters on the last blog, and yes I complained. I personally just came back to the game, after taking close to a year off to get things in my life in order. I have yet to have a 70, my highest lvl is infact only 51.

The point of my complaint over loss of the couple weeks of leveling is because I am PAYING for those weeks of not having fun and lack of levels which I want my Death Knight, as my favorite classes are Paladin and Hunter, the death knight if unholy spec'd seems like the perfect class.

Yes the event had great intentions, but it is due to the player's actions that make it difficult for those lower lvl. Personally, I cannot wait for it to end.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaucian


Vote #1 - iTZKooPA.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaemundr

this event is indeed a problem for some of you people thats true even i got the short end of the stick when i was stock in DS for close to 1/2 an hour but instead of comlaining i joined the fun this is IS NOT A PROBLEM as for the weeks of missing fun teh only fun your missing is being a brain hungry zombie infecting others nps and players the real fun begins at 60 i have a 62 mage i made the jump for 60 to 62
during this "problem period" even done some ganks my self
but mostly i been ganking on my hunter and the and the only way this zombie thing stopped from leveling furder is that iam having to much fun on my hunter so STOP WHINING about how you cant level theirs more to the game than doing quest their are dungeons their are bgs you name it

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

I for one find the plague event a welcome break from the formulaic rehash that is leveling in WOW. That's right, I'm using this event to actually take part in something meaningful in WOW, at least it's meaningful until Lich King shows up on store shelves.
Don't like the zombie horde? Fight it, join it, or run away. Doesn't matter. Any way you choose, you contribute to the event. :)

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCappyG

I dislike this event. While the idea is good, I dont like being ganked by 15 or 20 of my own faction as zombies, just to become a zombie, to get owned by 75 guards becuase they are red. Then i go start a lowbie to get away from it and i get pvp'ed while i got no flag! It's a good idea but blizz went a little overboard with this one.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy

If your not 70 this event sucks balls, otherwise its fun

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeb

and try to show some empathy ITZooPA and stop calling it fussing and whining when they are perfectly good complaints that make a lot of sense

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeb

I love the Zombie event. its new and diferent than the usual day-to-day play and it offers a nice break. playing just to lvl or having to grind all the time can make you burn out pretty fast and I think the variety form big events like this hepls alot. As far as not being able to play the exact same way your used to seem to be the whole point. Display some adaptability! makes me wonder how all the plauge haters perform in serious instances when thiings get crazy? Just find some alternatives for a few days its a %$$#(^*! Undead PLAUGE! stay out of areas you know are infected and wait it out. (you know when it will end)

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVacant

I hated this event. I was making a final push to get my toon to 70 and it was nothing but aggravation. The event would have worked if there was someway to easily avoid it before 70.

Once I got to 70, and got my flying mount, I did find the whole thing amusing. Before then.... Massive Suckage.


Unfortunately Darn and Exodar were WORSE on my server. Due to the layout and the location of the argent dawn dude the zombies never died out in either place. It was a mess.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChristian

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