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Zombiefication Of The Azerothian Nation

The Wrath of the Lich King World Event has come a long way since our little discussion on Friday. The event progressed to what many called Phase 4 during the weekend and just passed into Phase 5 last night. It was followed a few hours later by Phase 6, with the factions claiming to be developing a cure for the plague. Wouldn't it be awesome if the “cure” was the same one that Nathan Petrelli tried to implement in the alternate future of Heroes?  I digress.

One thing we do know is that the new Karazhan boss mob, Tenris Mirkblood, will only be “around for approximately 10 days.” So if you want his non-combat pet or the ability to shred in World of Warcraft, then you better get that Karazhan group together before the 4th of November.

If you want a run down on the zombiefication of the Azerothian nation, then head over to Wowhead. A recap is not why I am here. The real reason I write to you today is about the world event as a whole. This is the first designed event that has had any kind of perceived negative impact on the game. As many commentators noted in my previous post; it can be incredibly difficult to level during this time. I can understand their complaints under one condition, that they are entirely new to the game.

I remember the good old days, before hours of raiding, before min-max charts, before perfecting one's spec for the best possible DPS or healing. I like to call them the virgin days. Everything was new and awe inspiring back then and you just wanted to take it in and never let it go. The World Event has disrupted all that, with most servers having nearly all of the NPCs whipped out and turned into minions of the Lich King. Quite hard to level and enjoy a new title under those conditions.

However, most of you are not new to the game.  In fact, I would think that if you are visiting a site like ProjectLore, then you are pretty familiar with the title. That being said, please stop fussing over losing a few weeks of leveling your fifth alt and take in the world event for all that it is worth. These events happen once in a blue moon and can offer experiences in gameplay unmatched by any other title or genre you may play again. Ever.  Just ask the people that were around for the launch of the Outlands portal, the construction of Quel'Danas or better yet, the months long struggle for the opening of Ahn'Qiraj. Who doesn't remember the ringing of the gong outside AQ and the succeeding events? You are part of an epic and unforgettable event, live it.

Reader Comments (39)

There are legitimate reason on both sides of the debate in regards to the wisdom of Blizzard's current world event.

That said, I side with the so-called "QQ-ers" because what it really comes down to is choice. Yes, we've got a world event going on that's not ever coming back. However, I'm paying to play an online game and I should have the choice of whether to participate or not. I shouldn't be penalized for my choosing not to. Take a week off? Forget about leveling? Those are weak answers from people forcing their playing styles onto others.

I have said my piece on the matter.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I hear a lot of people complaining about this being 'forced' on them. But really, what it comes down to it, is YOU forcing your dull mundane playstyle on us because WE enjoy something different. Quit whining about a weeklong event. Basically yer missin out on maybe five bucks. I feel for the lowbies that get tugged into this, but seriously. I had a guy sit in trade chat for 3 hours, complaining that he can't get any 'real' playing done with this going on. The problem was he was sitting on his 70 alt, doing absolutely nothing. I had half my guild not show up on saturday for a guild raid, then on sunday, complain that the raid (which got rescheduled to sunday) was held up 10 minutes because of the whole thing.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeathadder

Zombies is the time for CELEBRATION. ever get those annoying fags who won't shut up? what about those stupid spamming bots next to SW bank? we all know they're a bit of a pain, but now you get a little satisfaction in the chance to own up some ppl every now and then. I mean for my [70 pal] getting disease is not the end of the world cause if i don't want it i just dispell it, and if i feel like trying to take out all our bg masters then i do it. if you don't like it go to Darnassus or some other place where hardly anyone goes anyway. this event isn't coming around again so enjoy or hate it while it lasts once its gone its gone so get all the screen shots u can =D

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterandrew

I didn't really like this event at first. Like all the other complainers, anytime I wanted to do something, the NPC I needed was dead, which made turing in dailies a pain. Then they added in the invasion and the whole thing turned around for me. I spent most of the past 2 days traveling all over Azeroth hitting the invasion sights on my 2 characters. Not only was I able to get good epic gear on my rouge, but I'm getting Argent Dawn rep as well, which will make getting the Argent Champion title that much easier. I can't wait to see where this goes next.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermarsh

Liked the event but it jus get boring after a while... while im trying to lvl my first char (technically) I jus keep geting turn with a few hits from high level zombies.. It is cool wit how u ppl whin about cant lvl ur 5th alt while other people who had 3 old-school lvl 70 when there werent any add-ons or easy questings. cough*hacked*cough* tear* "miss my shadow priest" anyway tis stupid new alt is startin to piss me even tough questhelpers, easy exp make it so fast comparing to last time but still ur forced to lvl a new char all over again jus for the sake of losing ur previous chars. Anyway its once-in-a lifetime event of WOW like iTZKooPA said. So enjoy it and spread the plague.

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJowen

I have to say that the zombie event was very cool. We have all levels and ages of players in my household, anything from 8years old to 60 years old. Everyone of use enjoyed it. Yes it did affect the lower level toons. No they did not stop playing. They just changed what they did for a few days. Everyone in this household know it would not last forever. Just like any other holiday it will come to an end and then you will miss it. We spent time spreading and stopping the plauge. It was a great event Blizzard but together. It is a shame that some people did dont enjoy it. You can't please everyone. The thing is it broke up our day. You log into WOW and you see the same basic things everyday, rock, tree, river, zombie. What Zombie!! See makes it a little different. It was fun. Of course I am glad it did not last all the way to the expansion day. I really don't think Blizz was planning that not with how much the plauge kept changing. It was good I am glad I was there. I missed out on the other world events. So now I can say "Ya I was there!"

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRedauroa

many of you will be happy to know that this "dreadead event" is over all thats left is the invasions i did not do to many i am sad this event was so short i was looking forward to coming home get infecting and get me some braingbut i guass the invassions could be just as fun

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

I would live with it...IF I was playing with my account.

Geez I would have joined the army of zombies as a lvl 70 and raided orgrimmar.

I would have be one of those who went to find a cure for the disease.

I would have gone to every place where there was a Scourge invasion and fought back.

But I couldn't, so with my lvl 20 trial paladin I was trying to do other things, but never succeeded because of the zombies.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

I have a 60 holy priest, and tbh i was pissed as i had not logged in 3 days and came back in the peak of the whole event. With my mailbox filled with nearly 80 failed auctions it was hell to get it back in the ah. as in sw the run from mail to ah was enough to get me infected. and subsequentely killed. After i was done with that i just stood in the square with a shaman that had cleansing totem spamming cure desease on players and npc's and how nice after a 45 minute commitment we ( about 6 players ) actually managed to cleanse / purge the whole infestation of sw. Even with at least 3 players continually trying to spread it. trust me even as a lower level it was possible to have some fun during this period. Not the things i was planning to do granted. Buthey, being able to kick out all the zombies was nice aswell. Just as long as you have a couple of players that will suicide once they get infected ( bad roleplay ofc ) to help cleanse it again its ok. But then continually getting invected to keep spreading the plague was bad rp anyways so imho that wasn't cheating. Just make an effort. one party of five working together could stop this spread in any major capital. Just organise yourself when the next world event comes along.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

No no no, you have it all wrong. If you enjoy the invasion event, then you are not grasping the concept of it.

The point of the invasion is to give us a reason to go into Northrend and take down the Lich King. What better way to do it than pissing everyone off. Now the general public are upset about it and they want to kick Artha's (for better terms) tush.

I know people will probably be reading this saying "that doesn't make sense", but it some ways it does.

Quoted from Blizzard: "We meant no harm but only wanted to create a lasting impression on players as they head to Northrend to defeat the Lich King. The Lich King's goals (as you will soon learn) are to turn the Horde and Alliance not only on one another, but on their own kind as well. I think the plague truly demonstrated this firsthand. "

So yes.. go enjoy it.. but let it tick you off just a little. The harder it hits us, the harder the Lich King shall fall!

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

I was expecting the event to last longer, so I was beginning to get frustrated. It's just a big marketing ploy to remind people to buy WOTLK.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnteri

I do not know witch is worse, sitting here listening to people whine about an event that i thought was annoying, but do able. the event was not so bad it is the players that make an event bad, by turning themselves into a zombie and going to a start up area to infect everyone else. As for the people who are telling every one to stop complaining about the event, i leave you with a question. witch is worse, the person complaining or the people complaining about the complainer? think about it for a second.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteralphadoom

I loved this event. It really flipped everything around. For once you were pretty safe outside cities and villages, while all population centers were warzones.

I had great fun, disspelling the infected and killing zombies in Orgimmar, where corpses and bones were all over the place. Cudos for turining capitals into giant instances.

Please repeat this event in a distant future.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterQuelheure

Now its just anoying

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBjørnar

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