Entries in live the moment (1)

Zombiefication Of The Azerothian Nation

The Wrath of the Lich King World Event has come a long way since our little discussion on Friday. The event progressed to what many called Phase 4 during the weekend and just passed into Phase 5 last night. It was followed a few hours later by Phase 6, with the factions claiming to be developing a cure for the plague. Wouldn't it be awesome if the “cure” was the same one that Nathan Petrelli tried to implement in the alternate future of Heroes?  I digress. One thing we do know is that the new Karazhan boss mob, Tenris Mirkblood, will only be “around for approximately 10 days.” So if you want his non-combat pet or the ability to shred in World of Warcraft, then you better get that Karazhan group together before the 4th of November. If you want a run down on the zombiefication of the Azerothian nation, then head over to Wowhead. A recap is not why I am here. The real reason I write to you today is about the world event as a whole. This is the first designed event that has had any kind of perceived negative impact on the game. As many commentators noted in my previous post; it can be incredibly difficult to level during this time. I can understand their complaints under one condition, that they are entirely new to the game. I remember the good old days, before hours of raiding, before min-max charts, before perfecting one's spec for the best possible DPS or healing. I like to call them the virgin days. Everything was new and awe inspiring back then and you just wanted to take it in and never let it go. The World Event has disrupted all that, with most servers having nearly all of the NPCs whipped out and turned into minions of the Lich King. Quite hard to level and enjoy a new title under those conditions. However, most of you are not new to the game.  In fact, I would think that if you are visiting a site like ProjectLore, then you are pretty familiar with the title. That being said, please stop fussing over losing a few weeks of leveling your fifth alt and take in the world event for all that it is worth. These events happen once in a blue moon and can offer experiences in gameplay unmatched by any other title or genre you may play again. Ever.  Just ask the people that were around for the launch of the Outlands portal, the construction of Quel'Danas or better yet, the months long struggle for the opening of Ahn'Qiraj. Who doesn't remember the ringing of the gong outside AQ and the succeeding events? You are part of an epic and unforgettable event, live it.

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