There's A Cure! Now What?
Hooray! Apparently everyone in both the Alliance and Horde was snuck some sort of immunization from the extremely descriptive You're Infected plague that has been decimating our hometowns. Part of me is happy that it is over, since waiting for the Auctioneers, Battlemasters, and Flight Masters to come back from AFK to run from the spirit healer to their corpses was getting a little bit old. I am a little disappointed, though, because it was a lot of fun to run through deserted cities with a ton of zombies running around trying to eat my brains. I just wish there was an easier way for me to take them down personally. As an enhancement shaman, if I tried to tango with multiple zombies, I would be turned almost immediately. Lightning Bolt did the trick for a small groups, but anything more than a few zombies caused me to GTFO of there.
All of that is in the past, though (for now). I'm sure Blizzard has something else up their sleeve for us to enjoy or complain about leading up to Wrath of the Lich King, and my bet is that is has something to do with huge attacks on main cities from the previously dormant necropoles.
All of that is in the past, though (for now). I'm sure Blizzard has something else up their sleeve for us to enjoy or complain about leading up to Wrath of the Lich King, and my bet is that is has something to do with huge attacks on main cities from the previously dormant necropoles.
Reader Comments (28)
Loved Jordans about how the allies are different from the hordies... iam self a horde and ive, till now, seen both allies and hordies as humans playing a damn game, but now it changes....
Not in favor for the Scryer vs. Aldor, coz on my server (Sylvanas, EU) the tanks and healers favor Aldor, while all dps goes scryer... so, a little unfair teams, with the Aldor planning and the scryers destroying
and btw love the album... heh
I like most people i know hated the zombies for the most part. Until my guild found the idea to turn a ton of us into zombies in shat and stand by the horde portals. Not only did we turn a ton of horde in to zombies but we were able to talk to them which was fun. Then we found out that we where able to go through the horde portal in to what ever city we pleased. We ended up taking over Thunder Bluff, orgrimmar and undercity. Now i will miss the zombies and hope they will return sometime in the future.