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Opps, I Forgot To Spec Before The Raid...

I Feel So Dirty With Only Three Points In CombatOkay, this is something that everyone is allowed to be angry at, casual, hardcore, Auction House nuts, everyone.  Maintenance day.  Thankfully, I actually have something to do on this day of reduced playtime.  In my effort to head over to Karazhan and Tenris Mirkblood yesterday, I realized that I have not logged into my Rogue with a purpose, for some time.  Poor Solidsamm has been relegated to the role of bandage machine in recent weeks.

The main issue with this is that Solidsamm had never had his talents redone for Patch 3.0.2.  Gasp!  How the hell can one raid without spending those precious talent points.  Instead of being “that guy” in the raid that largely does nothing, I informed the leader of my plight and kindly allowed a replacement.    What a nice guy I am.  I then spent the next hour or so pining over my talent spec and have finally come up with a base spec that I will fine tune after some raiding.

The current specialization is built around daggers and will change to a more level friendly build when Wrath launches in a few weeks.  For now, raiding, instancing and damage is all that I really care about.  At the same time, I decided that I wanted to try something new.  Out with the old Combat Daggers build I was using, and in with the new Mutilate build that uses 3.0.2's Turn the Tables talent.

The build is pretty cookie cutter, but I will try a moving a few points around to see what can maximize my damage, if anything.  The current setup focuses on energy conservation and creation and is heavily reliant on poisons, namely Deadly Poison.  I threw in that point of Vigor mainly for farming purposes.  Which I do plenty of.  I will have to get used to using Seal Fate again, as well as another new talent, Hunger for Blood.  My combo point rotation will change, from Gouge/Backstab, to a Mutilate heavy rotation capped off with Slice and Dice or Envenom.  In the end, a whole bunch of new buttons, that are bound to a collection of new abilities, will be pressed.  It'll be almost as different as leveling a Priest!

What do you PvE-focused Rogues out there think?  Have you guys tried Mutilate yet?  Am I the only person attached to his daggers?  As for the rest of you, did you take the opportunity to try something fresh like I am about to?  Hopefully my toon won't revolt on me for ignoring him for weeks...

Reader Comments (21)

I am a mutilate Rogue. I really like the new rotations, especially with Cut to the Chase (I only have to use combo points once in a raid fight to keep up a full SnD). Hunger for Blood is awesome, but I am finding it hard to find a comfortable place in my rotation for it.

iTZKooPA, I am very attached to my Daggers as well. I am also attached to the Assasination tree. I just find that the rotation involved is so much more intersting. I don't just stand there and mash the same three abilities. I get top use a lot more of the Rogue's arsenal.

Kifeurstuf - 70 Rogue, Night Elf Male, Anetheron
Pumpurheals - 65 Shaman, Dranei Male, Anetheron

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKifeurstuf

I personaly love daggers but i've found that my combat sword spec is destroying DPS

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrendan

damn second lol

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbrendan

I am an assassination Rogue and I am in love with the new Mutilate...I dont have to use Kidney shot just to jump behind them to use it anymore and it brings back Ambush for since i was sneaking up and using Cheap shot just to get in two Mutilates back when it was a behind only attack. Turn the Tables helps alot during groups and instances and I also like Hungry for Blood, I try to keep it at the 3rd stack before i enter combat

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoenips

I'm playing with a Mutilate spec as well. I went 51/10/0 to get full benefit from Dual Wield and Precision.

The linked talent spec is where I've settled for now for raiding & grinding. I expect to move the 5 points in Precision to Relentless Strikes once I get enough +hit from gear.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCappyG

While I do love my daggers, I am not Mutilate specced, I'm subtlety, and I'm considering respeccing, but Honor Among Thieves is pretty hard to give up, along with Deadliness, Waylay, and Improved Ambush ^_^

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTalonkard

i play with a 0/56/5 build on my rogue and put out top damage in raids althou i havent got a accurate dps meter yet ,but i have yet to try a muti build ,so for now im still combat swords

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMatthyas

i know what you mean i specd subtility swords and shadow dance made me confuzzled and i used to be sub from 1-63 then switch combat now im back at subt, shadowdance isnt that great without a dagger, yet people in the forums say you dont need the dagger, i was like lol where do you get the dmg anyway im gonna keep working on it.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXvRavenous

I would suggest more of a 45/9/7 for a PvE Mutilate build. Dual wield makes up for too much of an increase in White damage and Mutilate to skimp on any points for it. Vigor is a mediocre talent, yes 10 Energy is nice, but it's lackluster after the opening attacks. The point spent in Murder is also another 2% flat increase to all DPS. Add this with the 4% hit for poisons, and attacks and it seems to be a very viable spec.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterValid

...and figure's I would forget to link the build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=f0ef0exoVboIzhZ0xmZxb

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterValid

I love my daggers and would never be without them (more rogueish imo) besides i'm not sure I can live without backstab and ambush now :-)

I'm currently Comabt Daggers and really enjoying it

Loving the comments and inspiring me to try some different builds.

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSmoothSmiler

Pffft. Fury warriors ftw! I haven't lost in damage or DPS in any heroics or raids thus far. and yes i run with heavily geared players. i'm not one that brags about top dps while the rest of the party is in 60 greens. yes i know fury warriors top damage because of WW and cleave but even in single boss fights i top the charts. TITAN'S GRIP EATS YOUR FACE!

Most fury warriors or dps warriors suck ass, hence the reputation of damage dealing warriors being that the class isn't meant for damage. So to all damage warriors....PLEASE DON'T SUCK FOR WOTLK AND LET'S GET FURIES ON THE WANTED LIST FOR FUTURE RAIDS AND HEROICS! HUURAH!

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDPS

Im playing feral druid and at raiding im most times at the top 5 dps. Rogues/arms warrs that use bleed dots need to love me because of my mangle (30% more damage from bleed effects). And still i hope people will also look at the dpsers that where so low before echoes of doom dps warrs retripally's feral druids etc they all did get buffed. Tip for all feral druids use damn rip i now it is somewhere in your spellbook i now you did never use it with lvling but it is doing great damage and the only thing you need at stats are 1. alot of AP 2. crit change 3. hit rating 4. expertise 5. haste (only if you got good hit rating).

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhytimo

I'm still combat maces from that period of time when pvp rogues had to choose combat maces for the stun proc. I know a lot of rogues that are stuck with maces from back in the day.

Honestly most of the people i talk to that have rogues have relegated their rogue to alt duty in favor of a more dps heavy class.

Lets face it Blizzard has no love for pve rogues. They had a brief moment of glory when hemo was buffed the first time, but this was fixed with the subsequent patch. It seems blizzard only has love for ret pallys and arcane mages at the moment.

I will QQ more later.

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnteri

I play 3 DPS classes and am very happy to be last in DPS, or 3rd, or 7th or whatever. i do my job as part of the team, and I watch my aggro. I don't sacrifice team performance just so I can top DPS.

team work ftw!

oh, when I solo, i'm always top DPS :) good enough for me :)

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDildobugger on EUBloodhoof

i was alrdy a muti rogue long before patch and keep on loving it but its rly insane dmg now

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterasassinator

My PvE rogue used to rely solely on Mutilate. Everything centered around it and getting it to pump out as much damage as possible.

With the new set up, however, it's now still my main attack(taking the place of sinister strike since it can be used at any time[thanks blizzard d ^o^ b]), but i rely more on it as a meas to get kidney shot off with as many dazed seconds as possible. That way i can go around and hit backstab a few times(if the energy procs work) and try and down someone with as few shots as possible.

It cause many problems in one of the Headless Horseman runs i did though. a coldblood ambush hit a little too hard(i think somewhere in the 3k region; which is good for me since im not geared at all and have rather weak ap) and got buttfucked because i now had 89% aggro(another cool little addition, that little threat hud)

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlishuss

I have a combat PvE specc rogue. Tryed Mutilate and somehow didint like it :( it was in simple: "Go behind the enemy, do 2 Mutilates, /cast Slice and Dice, 2 mutilates more, /cast Rupture, 1 mutilate, and envenom so S'n'D resets to 30 secs... thou it did high dmg and got my dps high I still gonna stick with Combat :)

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterN00|3

im a combat rogue with some nice sunwell and BT gear, i have a made a conclusion. combat is the best pve spec also after the patach!

there many changes in the specs and some people say that combat is neferd as pve but if look closer you will see the powerfull upgrade of sinister strike, it is now the strogest ability you can get, i have crit 2834 with it with a 46 crit chance so if you are raiding, throw those daggers away and get some swords or fist weapens..


November 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpriest

i have a roque going the same tree, he is 47 i think, love the no poison create stuff with the new patch. flash for free without the flash powder and down to 2 mins :)

he is weaponed with a dagger and a mace

November 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentervictorvndoom

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December 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRIsEoben

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