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Scourge Invasion As A Testing Ground

Garrote, SnD, Mutilate, Mutilate, Envenom?I was around during the initial Scourge Invasion.  In fact, I was still playing WoW hours upon hours a day, many of them spent in raids, instances or just farming for gold.  Yet, I never really joined in on the fun of the Scourge Invasion.  I checked it out, but you wouldn't find me there day in and day out, in an attempt to stop the Necropoli from taking over.  I can't recall my reasoning, but it probably had something to do with the fact that I already had the Argent Dawn reputation that I needed for Naxxaramas.  This time around, I have been all over the invasion.

This year's invasion started off with the infamous plague that turned so many of Azeroth's heroes into minions for the Scourge.  The Horde and Alliance put aside their differences, got together, and rid the lands of the threat in only a few days time.  But the plague was only an attempt by the Lich King to weaken Azeroth before sending out his Necropoli and Undead fodder.

I enjoyed the plague for all that it was worth, and the continuation into the Scourge Invasion is partially what sucked me into the re-hashed event.  Invasion 2.0 is not all that different from the original pre-Naxxaramas event, if I remember correctly.  We have the areas under attack by the Necropoli, Necrotic Shards, Shadow of Dooms, Undead weapon enchants, and extra bosses in select instances.

Only a few things have been added, namely rewards for participating.  Rather than receiving superior gear for our efforts, players can now select from almost Karazhan-quality gear that bump up one's Undead slaughtering capabilities.  We even have a few trinkets that summon an Argent Dawn agent or abilities to our side.  On the content side of things, players can still tackle the new Karazhan boss, Tenris Mirkblood, who seems to be the only thing remaining from the plague days gone by.  Not to mention, the only thing I have found that could really link the two events.

This Rogue and Priest combo will be continuing the purging of the Undead from the Plaguelands until the event ends.  I am mainly doing it so I can try out Solidsamm's new spec, but I tend to be a sucker for summonable buddies.  So if you see a purple skull appear on your map (and are on Magtheridon), I will likely be in their base, killing their mans.  To bad the Argent Dawn reputation has been replaced by the Argent Crusade in Wrath of the Lich King and will be useless.

Sadly, I haven't seen many other people partaking in the Scourge Invasion, is it just too old hat for you?  Or are you burned out from the plague - as the Lich King intended?

Reader Comments (15)

the event was nice... and acording to blizz will be even nicer

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpike

Isnt thre another phase to this event like all the scourge's zombies attack SW and Org?

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

I, too, am milking this once-in-a-game event for all its worth! I have discovered that on my server (Duskwood), practically no one bothers with the scourge in Tanaris. So I dusted off my Gadgetzan transporter and BINGO! I am now swimming in runes, have my full set of undead plate gear, my Feat of Strength for obtaining the tabard and all of the trinkets and such that you can buy with the runes.

Tanaris is so deserted, in fact, that last night a mage a hunter and myself (prot warrior) 3-manned an entire shard and the four elites. I sooooo love the new Thunderclap and Shockwave (gather a bunch, TC, Shockwave, AOE, rake up the runes and gear).

I can't wait to see what comes next.

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

Yea there was a rumor sent out on Monday that Phase 7 of the scourge was going to begin at 6 pdt (The attacks on SW and Org). Sadly it was only that for the time, a rumor. Many people on my server (Lothar) heard about this and head to the gates of SW to see what was going on. I waited out there for at least an hour and and sadly nothing happened, but it was cool to see the mass of players i would say at least 200, just standing outside of the gates, it was pretty epic.

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoenips

Uh, how do i Obtain the tabard and how do i spend the runes. I to am a tabard and trinket freak. Info please.

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReeper

Reeper, you go to the Argent Dawn vendor either in Light's Hope Chapel (By the forge) or in a major city at their little camp (excluding Shatt)

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBobCharabini

wow cool i havent tried the invesion thing yat i been to busy gethering my armor before teh WOTLK release but ill try it right now

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

I've been attacking this event like a Lock possesed, to the exclusion of getting that last 3/4 level to ding 70. I'll be out in Netherstorm questing till can get atleast a three man team together then it's back to Azaroth for a little undead smackdown.

The way I figure it, I've still got two weeks before wrath is live so I've got two weeks to ding 70. That will not be a problem for me. This event will only be around for a few days, so what better chance will I have for Kara (ish) level gear that will last more than a few quests in Northrend? So far I've got the gloves and shoulders from the vendors, and I've lost out on the pants twice now. Have not seen the robes drop. I've also picked up the two caster rings from the Hallows End boss, so I've got at least four good pices of gear waiting for me to finish this last level.

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMoose

"To bad the Argent Dawn reputation has been replaced by the Argent Crusade in Wrath of the Lich King and will be useless."

Always the Title achievement for Exhalted with both that this greatly simplifies one side of (especially if you grab your Dawn trinket and start gobbling up scourgestones at the same time).

October 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDave

I haven't bothered with the necropolis shtick, since I've been stretching myself all over the place with gold farming, Hallow's End, and Karazhan raids. But now that I've heard more of what the necropolises are about, I'm going to take my hunter alt out there for the gear.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

hey wait how are you running kara and your not 70 the axe droped for me and what a sweat axe it is i rolled the highest for it but the loot master gave it to the warrior now iam waiting for it to reset but iam afraid it wont reset in time before hollows end end

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffs

( I can’t recall my reasoning, but it probably had something to do with the fact that I already had the Argent Dawn reputation that I needed for Naxxaramas.)

will you need Argent dawn rep for wrath to run naxx or are you talking about old skool wow before BC you needed the rep?

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterapex

Wrong.. argent dawn rep will be usefull. The Argent crusade will be ADDED in wotlk and if you are exalted with both your will get a title from the achievment blablabla.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAck

i rolled feral drud at 3.0.2 patch so now im getting some gear that is good for lvling the first few lvls got the leather pants from the undead and need some more stones for the other pieces that you can buy at the quartermaster.

*deep breath*

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhytimo

eh, i was totally bored with Argent Dawn.. i forcee being bored with Argent Crusade.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry Petty

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