Episode 10.1: Karazhan
Project Lore and pals head deeper into Karazhan and discover some ghostly class at the Opera. As you may have guessed, though Project Lore doesn't know yet, it's Big Bad Wolf Time. Will Project Lore get eaten up or run away like a little red riding hooded girl? Watch and find out.
As Karazhan is a 10-man raid, the guys wrangled in five members of the Totally Rad Guild to help them out. Here are the armories for everyone involved: DrDark, Lylelovett, Goggins, Dorkins, Xenophontos, Manifesto, Talonni, Bastosa, Wyche, and Wilx. Everybody is ready for all of the bosses, so let's see how things go.
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More boss fights through Thursday at Noon Pacific, and Alexis will wrap things up on Friday, so tune in!
As Karazhan is a 10-man raid, the guys wrangled in five members of the Totally Rad Guild to help them out. Here are the armories for everyone involved: DrDark, Lylelovett, Goggins, Dorkins, Xenophontos, Manifesto, Talonni, Bastosa, Wyche, and Wilx. Everybody is ready for all of the bosses, so let's see how things go.
Remember that our subscribe page has links for Project Lore all over the web. You can use our Episodes RSS feed or Twitter to find out when new episodes are out, and don't forget to join our Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and MySpace.
More boss fights through Thursday at Noon Pacific, and Alexis will wrap things up on Friday, so tune in!
Reader Comments (51)
First, and good job guys, another good episode!
Funny boss. DrDark you cut corners.
I love that boss :P also, Alex is right, there is some really cool atmosphere in there :D
Nice job guys :)
i'd love to watch but im at school. chceck it when i get home. :D
Again - I refer to the picture I posted last week ( this time it's for Dorkins) ;]
I'll say it for Juggy: Real classy, Wyche =P
lol cool nice job guys ... though i really would've wanted to see romulo and julliane :))
Just wanted to post a tip which most hunter will know about this fight . If the hunter becomes little red riding hood he can FD and loose all argo. So you can actually just walk around as little red riding hood ... It's awesome !!!
aww man!
Wish you guys would have pointed out that the wolf slayer rifle is the third best weapon in the game for a BM hunter, with the crossbow of relentless strikes (for 150 badges from the isle's badge vendor) is the second best BM hunter weapon in the game. (the legendary bow off of KJ is the best, but good luck getting that one!)
And in case someone doesn't know why, with the BM steady shot macro (for getting the most dps out of that spec) with the haste talent in BM, you want a bow no faster then 3.0, with 2.7-2.8 being the perfect bow.
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, !Auto Shot
/cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Love your post Wyche! lol, laughed the first time I saw it too!
Keep em coming!
I need a map or don't cut way while walking. I got lost watching how you get there.
Great job.
I have to say I am a little disappointed that your not explaining any of the trash pulls. In your 5 man videos you at least have blurbs about tough pulls, and many trash pulls in Kara are crazy tough. The ushers for instance can wipe you easy if you don't know how to do them. If your not going to speed up the trash then explain it.
1 way to make this particular boss easier is to position the boss in the corner next to the door you came in and the raid in the opposite corner. This allows more reaction time for the average raid member by using the stage scenery to slow the boss just enough.
@Cory - Ahh, the double standard on girls :) A little uneven when they cut out some of the poking fun that was at me and the others - and the fact we weren't able to really talk back.
All in all, it's a joke. I kid I kid - and so do they. All playful in nature.
@ Jake
dude get a life, don't comment if its gonna be rude seriously you come here to flame them about the show then don't watch it. I bet you seriously have some issuse and Hobbs is realy dumb.
2 Dr.Drake
Dude you so Cut the Corners man.
Pallys Blessing of Protection can protect little red during this fight We use constanly so we can dps fast and kick wolf's ass.
hey you guys need to eather say what your doing during the trash and how to fight them or fast forward threw like you used to it cuz its boring and your videos have less content, some times you guys crack jokes which is fun to watch but i don't think you guys ment project lore to be a comedy. do what you did before where you talked about tanking and totums and other stuff maby talk about professions or specific classes like druids or pallys or rogues or maby your rotations of spells or what mods you recomend or specs and states/gear you would need for it, idk i just feal like your videos should have more information in them. im just trying to give you guys some constructive criticism, hope i helped
I have a question for Goggins... Does you being a TV star ever interfere with you playing WoW with Project Lore
@ jake
and yet you still sit here and waiting for ppl to reply to post man seriosuly get something called a life. and do I care if I'm in BT status or not nope personaly I dont. if you going to sit here and make dumb ass remarks over stupid stuff and you sit here and say stuff then your just immature and don't understand anything or what there trying to accomplish here.
@ Wooly
Totaly agreeing with u on that subject need to show a little more of professions instead of attacking and showing us stuff that most players won't understand. Showing Marcos is proably what yall need to be showing more ppl and Mods in the episodes.
I would like a part of the show where you just take a look around instead of just taking the direct route.
I would of liked to see a 360 pan of the theater. I bet it would be cool.
just a nb for NeoEvincar - u dont pick the Bow for the macro you pick the macro for the Bow.
Even big kitty refrences several other rotations (the site dorkins posted) check it out =)
-btw I couldnt help but look for this BT 'jake' guy ,ok fyi I am, none of this i dont wanna be arrogant crap. you dont have to be, u wanna help peeps improve go see if u can find a guild hitting kara that will actuly take ut help if ur like that to them!
Good work popping heroism :-) Watched this scene many times and still laugh. This one was the funniest episode I saw. Keep it go (I am curious about the Netherspite ... everytime I missed the fight /cry ).
goggins makes me lmao another week!
great job guys keep the episodes coming!
EVERY SINGLE TIME I feigned death on BBW, it got resisted and I died, so I gave up, so now I just run, lol.
Wyche! I posted this on Wowhead's comments too, but I'll repeat here in case you don't read over there. Re: females playing healers, yes, that's true to a certain extent, but there are plenty out there who roll as dps. What I personally don't see a lot of are females rolling tanks, and most of the ones who do roll as bears. (I'm not sure why that is....maybe the fur and general cuteness of druids in animal forms.)
(Also @Wyche, lol@above)
And at the risk of repeating myself, I'll sum up for Dorkins: DUDE, you should have taken the rifle!!!!!! It's probably a little on the late side to petition the GMs to transfer the rifle (assuming Lyle would be so kind), but hey, you never know. T_T I knew it was coming when I saw it listed in the gear dropped on the Wowhead page, but Dorkins didn't have it on his armory. Arrrrgh. I can't speak for the boots from Moroes that DrDark passed on (since my rogue isn't quite 70 yet, so I haven't looked at rogue gear so much), but this is an absolute heartbreaker as a hunter.
I figured, Wyche. I'm sure it's frustrating not able to get your jabs back at them communicated. Why don't they let you guys talk anyways? I know it might get a little hectic with 10 people talking at once but still, it would have been nice to know what you guys are thinking.
Hey Goggins, "She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes, She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes"