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Episode 10.4: Karazhan

After battling many ghostly mobs in Karazhan, Project Lore and pals take a moment to read a book or two and suddenly discover the next boss Terestian Illhoof. Will the Project Lore stop this demonic summoner or will Project Lore be put in chains? Watch this episode to find out.

The regular heroes managed to sucker five other members of the Totally Rad Guild into helping out with the raid. Here are the armories for everyone involved: DrDark, Lylelovett, Goggins, Dorkins, Xenophontos, Manifesto, Talonni, Bastosa, Wyche, and Wilx. There are still plenty of bosses who have loot for our team, so find out what happens over the next few episodes!

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Alexis will wrap things up tomorrow, so tune in! Also, follow our twitter at twitter.com/projectlore to keep up with what we are up to at BlizzCon this weekend!

Reader Comments (54)

Now that you've had time to watch, It's ok to comment :)

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJuggynaut

i dont know if you guys noticed but when you accidentally pulled the group of mana guys before going up that small ramp, you can clearly see wilx shoot them. just thought that was funny to see. and first!

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRokhan

Yep, I saw someone pull the group before the ramp too :D

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXore

I liked how you guys went for the better strategy, at least in theory. all too often, people want to kill kil'req frist, because he puts a debuff on the boss, but that just creates the problem of having to have the off tank pick him up every time he respawns, and all the dps switching, and unless you have a coordinated run with lots of communication going, thats the main reason that most PuGs fail at this boss.

The strat you guys were talking about before the pull is really the better one, because he doesn't hit that hard, and so the other tank can just sit on the sidelines, tanking it the entire fight. We normally take kil'req to the back corner, around where the healers start the fight off at, so that he doesn't get blown up by any dps, or catch aoe damage.

Good Show!

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeoEvincar

its right at 13:27 when he shoots the mobs just fyi.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRokhan

Btw, I'm wondering whats gonna happen with the shade episode, not a whole lot of trash between the two bosses lol.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNeoEvincar

Couple of things you didn't mention before encounters:

Mana worms are melee dps only (I think Juggy said something about that on the 3rd pull)

During Illhoof's sacrifice, mages can ice block out, paladins and priests can bubble out.

Otherwise, thoroughly entertaining as usual.

Great job guys!

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBG

Lol, another fun filled project lore episode, and this one had a lot of singing in it.
Do i smell a project lore musical?

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJsmblades

nurse shoes lmao, goggins is the best

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertyki mikk

God, the episodes are getting long now :D awesome! So, as i havent yet entered Kara, how much does the sacrifice chain thing hit the sacrificed for?

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGerandor

Not the best strategy. It worked for you guys, but probably because you had practiced it so many times and had the right group composition.

During this fight it's preferable to have the Paladin tank the boss near the center of the room. Consistently laying down consecrate he can pick up any of the imps that spawn. Also, he'll get a LOT of mana back due to healing, which is critical in this fight.

The second tank is on Kilrek, and all free DPS should help burn him down whenever he gets summoned. When Kilrek is down the second tank assists the first tank, but keeps an eye open for when Kilrek re-pops.

I have to admit that it is interesting to see other ways to fight bosses, but having used my method more times than I can count I stand firmly by it.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWalls

Gerandor - If the sacrifice is allowed to go it's full length it will kill the target and heal Ilhoof for a large amount. It is CRITICAL that sacrificed targets are burned down immediately, to free up the sacrificed player and prevent Ilhoof from getting health back.

Also - The tank on Ilhoof can NEVER be sacrificed, so you don't have to worry about having a second tank hold aggro.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWalls

why don't the items they are using in the episode and the items in the WoW armory mach?

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPromitheus

^--------not a band chick

but the band chick comment was funny, especially hearing goggins backpedaling...very nice!

Goggins, we can has more songs? If i can make a suggestion, simpsons theme...think about it, get back to me.


October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJenna

I just love goggins (that is the shammy healers name that sings all the time right? can never remember names >>) comment there after the ramp pull "I just like to point out that everyone in group 1 survived *smirk*" that's exacly how all healers are.. I should know I am one ^_^

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBittersweet

Love the show guys. I have just started with my first character, now level 45. Love the show!

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric Mann

Great episode! Love the way the comedy has been ramping up as the episodes progress!

"were not talking while were fighting again" lol.

Keep up the entertaining show.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergoliath553

In case no-one else covered it...

Menagerie = ZOO (in French)

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

On the illhoof fight you can actually shorten the macro to /tar dem for people who have trouble spelling.

Also you forgot to mention that you need to be fearing the guys that come out of the red portals. And that killing kil'rek weakens the boss and makes the fight a lot faster.

Good job anyways :)

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDan F


Priests CANNOT bubble out of demonic chains. Only iceblock and pally bubble will do that.


Because this Kara run took place weeks ago.


Not ALL healers are like that, tyvm. Sure, with some classes, it's much easier to keep your own group alive, but unless you're specifically assigned to healing the tank, you shouldn't be letting other people in the raid die if you can help it.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalliope

Not sure what happened to my existing comment, but I'll repeat the important part:


So don't try it. x_x

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalliope

Oh, nvm, page didn't update for some reason. Sorry!

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalliope

Hey Zand nice "discrete" Project Lore advertisement you slipped in there.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

You want to take down Kilrek as fast as you can, with him down, Illhoof takes more dmg %. Try this way an you will burn through very quick

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIeatsouls

I liked how this episode seemed to explain the strategy a bit more clearly. I also liked that the guys mentioned a bit of strategy for some of the trash mobs, specifically the blue elemental guys that explode unless stunned. Those little touches will hopefully eliminate horrible PUGs...hopefully.

Some suggestions:
- could perhaps some explanation from the other 5players in the raid about their own tactics, or maybe could we even get a look at what is going on from their views of the locks, priest, pally, etc. (wtb more prot pally action)
-could we hear the other raiders talk? I know it's the Project Lore show and the focus should be on those guys, but it is still a raid, not a 5-man - show the other 5 players.

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTonatiuh

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