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Rogue Does It From Behind; I Die

Hmm....No One To Heal...What a weekend. I told myself that I would have to get to level 67 on my Priest, if I wanted to make sure that she was ready for Wrath. I informed my girlfriend of my goal, and although she doesn't know too much about the game (“Worlds of Warcrafts”), or exactly how it works (read, time consuming), she said it was fine. So there I was, a level 66 Priest with solid healing gear, Holy specced, itching to instance and grind, with nothing to hold me back from garnering tens of thousands of experience. Then it hit me, an Ambush from a decked out level 70 Rogue. Queue Spirit of Redemption (haven't respecced yet).

Let me lay it out for you, I absolutely suck at PvP on my Priest. My inability to defend my squishy self is mostly due to inexperience, but I doubt a Holy spec would be a good defender anyways; Discipline would seem like the better candidate. While questing in Terokkar Forest, the zone PvP objective, Spirits of Auchindoun, popped, and I jumped at the chance for some PvP, while getting another quest done. After struggling to capture towers, I spirit resurrected and attempted to ninja one that had been left alone since the start of the contests. I failed, and the Horde won the towers shortly thereafter.

I figured that I was safe from additional PvP due to my sickness, however I was wrong. As I hung out at the Refugee Camp, kiting Bonelashers into the defenders for the kill, I meet the business end of a dagger, while still under the sickness...Why the hell would he kill me? He didn't gain anything. Was it a friend on a horde account just screwing with me? Perhaps a reader who didn't agree with a blog post?

It didn't end there. The Rogue in question continued to kill me a few more times, once more while I was still sick. Being the stubborn person that I am, I simply kept going about my business, killing the Bonelashers. The Rogue must have realized my objective, because he stopped killing me and focused on the buzzards. Once they were all dead, he went back to his old habit.

Obviously, this “Champion of Naaru,” was screwing with me. I am all for a good prank and good fun, but I was supposed to be leveling! Time is becoming scarce and this backstabbing Undead Rogue halted my progress for a solid hour. I swear, this guy must have had an Alliance account, because no matter where I went in Terokkar Forest to grind, he appeared shortly after to kill me, my target mobs, or both.

Cheers to you Silith, I had a chuckle and congratulate you on your dedication to one-shotting. But please, next time have the common decency to ask if it is okay to tea bag me.

Reader Comments (49)

I would just like to tell cocopuffa, please take some english classes instead of posting on a blog site.
OMG, its one thing to use mmo lingo but its another thing entirely to have to read your post and not feel sorry for your teachers. Sorry but I had to go there.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReeper

"Sounds like something alliance would do. Course I’ve never seen the flipside and I’m sure theres horde that go around doing the same thing. I’m sure that alliance have the impression that everyone of the opposite faction is 10 years old as well."

Oh, trust me, there are plenty of Horde on plenty of servers that do the exact same thing that Alliance do on whatever servers you've been on.

So, it goes without saying that there are idiots in both factions on all servers. Lalala.

There's really no sense in these kind of comments (mine and yours) :P

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFruma

for shame as a healbot things like this make me sick

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShizzman

3 letters if u dont wanna get ganked PVE(server) ;)

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTheovertaker

I think i did a big mistake rolling on both my 70's on a PvP server where i basicly hate pvp... iam natural born pve and all over the player versus enviroment stuff...
i hate being ganked and to refer to the blog post about STV and farming levels there...

dudes... if you hate gankers dont gank... you just turn into one, wich will then gank some1 els wich will gank your alt before you know it... let the inner rage burn out on some mobs instead of inocent players


November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThoMage

The first and only server i ever played was PVP (Burning Steppes), so this very-calmly-told story sounds too plastic for my taste.

Can u imagine a noob combat-specced ally rogue with gray/green gear on a server with 90% horde...
Painful experience..

Constantly being mutilated by horde no-lifer lvl70 gankers of any class... peeking from some bush and waiting for hordies to summon each other lazy asses to meeting stone... not being able to find a priest or a tank for instances, only one raiding guild on whole server, etc.. but that's another topic..

Anyway, I don't recall myself ganking lower levels, just because i can. No thrills in it.

Long story short - When u taste PVP server once and get used to it, you can't switch to PVE and feel alright about it.

First, u feel a sting in the neck like Marcellus Wallace once said... thats your pride ****king with you.

Second, you think of losing all that precious suspense you got addicted by in the meantime.

Third, you read the title on a dusty box... its WARcraft, not PICKING-FLOWERS-MINDING-MY-OWN-BUSINESS-craft

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDjuleski

As of right now I'm camping Knie's body in TM. He thought he's so cool floating up to the top of the TM Inn. We've killed him 3 times so far (today). Knie if you're reading this, stop being a noob and gear up. It's sad when the rogue one hits you...

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPopeSeanPaul

Props to all those above who said the same thing im going to say " PVE servers make lvling easier" i like to keep PVP for the arena and bg thank you very much and if somebody is flagged then they are looking for sombody to come up and duke it out with em. Honestly to those who play on a PVP server and enjoy it more power to you guys but i hate getting camped in STV by some bored 70 (because you all know its true) Just doesnt make for a fun game.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJackJeckel

I like camping, and world pvp. sorta, but when I kill som1 who atacked me they log to their alliance chars and start whining like "GET THE HELL OUT OF HELLFIRE PENINSULA U LVL 70 NOOB ROGUE!"
WTS [Brains] to horde.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCampar

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!! You know what's more annoying then gankers?!?!? THE PLAYERS THAT WHINE ABOUT IT IN A PVP SERVER. Man I get sick of seeing other people whining on Quel Danas. YOU chose a PVP server so work on your PVP skills AND you have the option to raid as well. If you just want to raid then switch to PVE and quit being a pussie. TY.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDPS

In my experience, both horde and alliance are the SAME, I have both 70 Alliance and Horde characters, and while watching/reading the trade channel, raiding, questing and basically grouping with both factions, I can state that both factions, feel the same way towards their enemy, normally words surface in trade and general speak of the opposite faction on both sides that their much hated enemy is a Noob, Baby, Ganking Maniac. There are just strange (evil?) people on both sides but deep down inside that 5 year old, love deprived mind is a craving to do great evil in the world...of warcraft... we all know this those little punks love seeing people in pain, but hey...whining about it on a PvP server is a little noobish? lol if you don't like it then transfer to a PvE or put up with it or even get a level 70 to help you out.

Whose to judge a little fun? On a PvP server it is to be expected to be ganked and probably camped, I have thought about transferring to a PvE server for such reasons, but eventually you either get used to it and it develops into a part of questing /leveling and sometimes you do meet some nice people of the opposite faction, For example on both my characters I have been Mind Controlled by a priest higher than me ( expecting death from the falling off the near cliff) but to my amazement he/she (has been both) buffed my dude with Fort, healed me and sent me on my way.

Of course Alliance and Horde or Horde and Alliance are enemies (Great ones in Fact) of course its fuuun killing/ganking peoples little characters they are desperately trying to level, at times i have killed a lower lvl character, but when i look back at it i do kinda feel sorry for the little guy/girl at the other end trying to complete quests, so I killed a couple but now I try to be nice, maybe help them out here and there as I walk/ride/fly passed them maybe give a friendly wave..lol. Because maybe they'll be nice to other people.
or maybe they just think im some kind of crazed looney-toon, and end up killing a million low levels just because i looked at them funny...lol =/ what have I done?..sigh* oh well such is life on World of Warcraft, anything/everything is to be expected/unexpected specially on a PvP based environment.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFunkay

alas at the frequency with which this happens... Even on my prot warrior, where it takes 5 geared horde 60 seconds to kill me (woot for armor!), it can be painful.... what I hate most is when the $%&@#* rogues sap in the #&%*@$ middle of a goblin town, like gadgetzan, or area 52. It's gets me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pissed off because they will literally just sit there for 30 minutes or so just sapping, sapping, sapping, and it is just ridiculous! I freakin use my taunt ability, which is in no way offensive, and the guards decide I should be killed. WTF???? This also happens in some alliance towns, and on isle of QD.... and I'm just gonna stop there.... but ARRGHH

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVên

yea i myself hate what happens in a pvp server gank wise, but yes i kinda have a preference to a pvp server, so i live with it no matter how much it frustrates me.but this will not stop with wotlk! if anyone thinks it will, ur wrong. if ur 71 just doing somequests, expect a lvl 75 to come out of nowhere and gank you. or hell maybe someone whos wasted an experience of the game and went straight to 80, comes and ganks you. this will happen with the people who will rush to 80, when they find out that not too many people might have done the same thing so it will be harder to do things at 80. so they will get bored and gank. but again if its a pvp server i understand the frustration, but hey as long as u can deal with it, it shows dedication.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

You pathos injected- scratch that- poison injected monk of sorrow and inuring suffering. You are the fop to this foolish child's game. I would pity you were we not discussing a vapid waste of time. And yet, despite it being a game of no consequence- unless you are a Chinese Farmer in a WOW sweatshop- I see no real harm done. You must remember that you are literally playing with children- the same power tripping "Champion of Naru" is the very same "Looser of Math History Class' whose greatest future is assistant Checkout "Associate of Walmart"

I deplore undead - verily anyone whoever plays them is a twisted scum in my mind- apt to be a sickening example of humanity who revels in Goth Angst Nihilism and general moral deprivation.

It is for this reason I play on a PVPRP - ROLE PLAY server. My theory is "role play" is a deterrent to precocious children who only goal is to seek rad l00ts and 'Pwn" on noobs.

I had to eventually quit AOC as it was just too buggy, and unpolished to hold my interest - however the glorious thing about the PVP I loved in it was you could KILL Anyone Almost Anywhere... and you could tell where said player was by shift clicking on their name - therefore I didst slay those slimy little spamers on the chat channels whenever I happened across them, Further I killed another little freak simply because he had named his C00L Necromancer "Sadastical"

So basically you can alleviate your campings by transferring to a RPPVP sever where you will encounter less effeminate goth boys who are beaten in schools because they wear pink and have black nail polish.

Or just wait for D3 which should have carefully selected PVP areas/times.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNoble Lord Of Corea

i remember questing on my priest
and accidently flagging one time and got killed,
so i hopped on my main and found out a lvl 40 kept killin me
so i one shot him :P

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDayrius

i whould like to tell reeper that that is not how i normaly wright i was in rushing and misspelled some words and forgot some letters thats what happens when i try to type fast as for the douche rogue i may know him i think it was my cousin he probably found something offancive on this website and felt someone had to pay sorry it was u has been known to be a very vangefull person and very phisical thats just how we are but if you wanto get back at him your out of luck he does not play on him much he mosly plays his aliance rogue on bleeding ollow bloodrock

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuffa

the DK starting area may become the new favorite area to gank for 70s if your on a pvp server you know thier is gointo be atleast one duche bag that power levels to 80 and ganks avryone thats what they did with the nw profession

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

aaah i sit comfortably in my own little PvE server, im fine :D

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthesebman

Even as a troll and tauren player i must say srry for the N00B hordies out there..but even tough...the game is still called World of WARcraft...

For the Horde!

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterijswater

I think they need to fix pvp where you cannot be ganked by someone that is not within 5 to 10 levels of you. I thought this was the initial plan. Nobody likes being ganked by someone that they are powerless against. It does not add to the whole "fun factor" in any way.

Of course there are many other parts that I think Blizzard could fix. I think respecing costs are more of a hindrance to game play than anything. Who wants to do 5 dailies so that they can respec to heal kara. Naturally I'm assuming that with WOTLK 50g won’t mean a thing anymore so this problem may be alleviated shortly.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnteri

i think that getting rid of ganks is the dumbest idea out yea its aproblem for the lowbies beggers cant be choosers i think teh ganks adds a sance of a chalange and a great way to blow off som steam this game manay bigger bugs blizz shoul start with these first

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff

haha my friend she just went ret on her pally cause our guild had 3 tanks already, so once she switch to ret she went crazy which was all day yesterday, like a crazed out gank fest "i was scared and she said it was for revenge for all the ganks shes got as prot" i'm a rogue and i dont even touch people unless the try something first you will always see me /wave an ally or /welcome as a peaceful gesture and/or coming out of stealth to let them know im there the smart ones get it the ones who don't and try and kill end up getting ganked back 4x over just cause they need to learn. but yea only really really bored rogues do that or immature ones, the real ones are trying to get glaives or trying to up they're arena status by practicing or getting gear. or doing something else important.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXvRavenous

I haven't read the whole thread so don't start ragging my a$$, yet...

In defence of the 70's who are "killing mobs that we need to level" I, for one have spent a lot of the last week or three with the 'Low Level Quest' scanner on & clearing out a bunch of stuff I bypassed / missed on my way through to 70 - for achievements, where they count; for kitting out alts., if that's how the drops dictated...

I wouldn't actively get in the way of people levelling - quests are there to be completed, L10 or L70; it matters not when you do them (qualifying criteria, aside) - and I would vehemently resent being accused of such...

As far as ganking lesser toons is concerned... I don't do it to others, because it's bad enough when hardcore PvP-ers (on PvE servers, I might add) get all pre-pubescent and do it to their peers - yes, that happens, too... If you want to PvP that much, get in the BG's or migrate to PvP servers & leave us PvE-ers to what WE want to do...

... PLEASE; see, I even asked nicely (fat chance, it'll happen...)

... /mini-rant

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

I generally hate rogues. (especially gnome ones) As a warlock i'm prone to them stealthing up and sapping me and then just smacking my arse about.

Anyway my new tactic is just to run like hell if i don't think i can beat them. I let my demon distract them and hopefully get far enough away that they get bored and leave. That usually works except the one time a gnome rogue caught me and spent half and hour chasing me around the Hellfire Pennisula. I ran, i rez'd, i feared, i hearthed, went to new areas and yet this guy was still behind me killing me. I guess the moral of the story is that once some guy takes it into his mind to do this you either have to take it or leave it. Either let him have his fun or log out for a while. If you don't like either of those move to a pve server.

November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKalcifer

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